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#covid in cameroon #getready #no salah 120m 15 minute man 50-50 < pep < secco > pep allegri > allegri who? announce conte announce cosmi asmr is so cool a_legend badass daidevil ban incoming beppe made in china bonuccbauer boom boom boom bring back beppe burn epl burn butthurt butthurt dai butthurt_tuz cam can't shine sami's shoes chiello conte hates me cosmiball the key to cl glory dai cant handle the fact hes wrong dai doesn't know football dai is a feminist dai needs to get laid disgusting 3 points electric elvins obsession with milan forza trump gay space goat coach halma hustini pls stfu id let it go il4j doesn't know football ilfjeatthis important it's about time we all got laid king mark king sarri plays attacking football kissless virgin devil klopp better than max lights on lil wayne liverpool has balls lolcacku loldevil mafia mark wanted a 4th thread. you got a problem? mercedes will burn much passing. wow no captain for you not coming home; manschafted; no frog legs for moi nuovozz overrated pasta mourinho pavlutroll poor man's beppe positive loss ramos got ajax'd rus bangs hookers rus would pay wanda for sex sam cassell same as fr3sh being in charge sarri touches his balls sarrismo science scooter sell size queens slavic pete softie spaghetti mourinho subs coming in any min now tagging coward tek the goat of midfield the one true king mombly the return of the king the ultimate state of bolivia time's up turkish delight ultimate nazi face union are cunts useless virgin devil wanda sit on my face what's wrong with hookers? when porn isn't enough wooden hair brush world cup merchant