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  1. Slagathor

    some help here

    You're mad :D Well, I'm leaving you lads now. Busy day tomorrow
  2. Slagathor

    some help here

    Mate, if every man who drinks his sorrows away would immediately be an alcoholic, half the planet would be an AA member.
  3. Slagathor

    some help here

    It's not? It helps for me.
  4. Slagathor

    some help here

    How old are you anyway? So forget about the alcohol. Here's what I would do: find a pub in an backway ally somewhere in the mideval part of town, drink a lot (this is what you leave out) then write it off. Everything. Just write.
  5. Slagathor

    some help here

    Right. Back to the issue at hand: how easily can you get your hands on alcohol, parchment and a fountain-pen?
  6. Slagathor

    some help here

    What does that have to do with anything? :undecide: Didn't think you are the type that can be held by mere borders!
  7. Slagathor

    some help here

    Don't. Take Fliakis' word for it. The man is mad and maybe too much porn lays at the foundations of his madness so it would be best if you didn't follow him down that particular path ;) PS. No offence Fli
  8. Slagathor

    some help here

    Just what you're used to really.
  9. Slagathor

    some help here

    Visit the red light district or smoke some weed and go clubbing with the sole purpose of finding a one night stand. EDIT: Come to think of it - that piece of advice may be a bit too Dutch to be any good to you. Sorry :D