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  1. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    That's the only thing that keeps me optimistic about his coming...
  2. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    See ya all later.....celbrate it and have fun...
  3. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Maybe you right...sadly...:down:
  4. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Mark you maybe be right about that year,but the whole thing is that we risk losing him to Milan in January...
  5. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Juve-Roma: fallito il doppio scambio 31 08 2005 Alla fine non c'ט l'accordo economico tra Juve e ROma per il doppio scambio Mancini-Cassano con Chiellini-Mutu. Per insierire Mancini, la Roma avrebbe richiesto denaro cosa che la Juve non puע mettere sul piatto al momento...
  6. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Hey all... Ultima news Agente Chiellini arriva nell'albergo di Milano dove c'è la Triade 31 08 2005 Davide Lippi, procuratore di Giorgio Chiellini, è arrivato nell'albergo dove è in corso l'incontro tra Moggi, Bettega e Giraudo con il procuratore di Mancini. Da pochi minuti è...
  7. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Baggio,i agree with you, i also think the same,and when i see someone else think alike i really believe more that he will come,after all those talks i will be suprised and a bit disappointed if he didn't come... Forza Moggi!Forza Cassano! Forza Juve!!!:cool:
  8. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    :angel:....... Forza la Juve!:cool:
  9. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    i am now in the Cassano thread there,but can't find it....what page?
  10. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Just read in some Roma's forum(on the official site) some posts by their fans.... damn they are sooooooooooooooo maaaadddddd at but half of them blaming the mangment that couldn't give him 5 milions per year.and some blame the fans who started on him very early when he did wanted to...
  11. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    I hope for that surprise from give them Miccoli and not Adrian...
  12. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Hey, the latiest news in Italy,according to claiming that the deal will be cocluded between monday and tuesday. taking Cassano and Mancini to Juve and Mutu half card of Chiellini to Roma + some cash. the details that are discused these days are,Roma want Dacourt be in the...
  13. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Good news........waiting...waiting.......:angel:
  14. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Hey all, it looks like the deal will be Mutu+Chiellini+money... i really want Cassano but....for Mutu....i dunno don't want him to... reports in Italy claim tommorow will be announced the official agreement. 1. Juve agree Cassano move - report Thursday 25 August, 2005...
  15. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    I am afraid you right...
  16. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

  17. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    Yeah but for Milan...and against Juve as well..........i don't wanna even imagine that.....think if he just will have agreat season there with scoring a lot and return to his good days....
  18. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    I hope we won't do that to Del piero.......
  19. Roman

    The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve

    :eek::eek::eek: Can't fvcking believe that................i mean i do want Cassano to be our next number 10,but to throw Del piero like that? To Milan????????Man......this is so hard to get.............. tuttocalcioweb: Clamorosa indiscrezione: Del Piero al Milan, Cassano alla Juve...