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  1. Who´s here?

    Exactly... I can't continue as the current news about Juve are putting me in pain:cry: :cry:
  2. Who´s here?

    Oh, I see a dilemma happening here... I now understand your idea, jeeks, but the answer is without having more than one lap is exactly like Stephan said : "it cant be done, you cant overtake the last person" Anyway, Next Question: Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3...
  3. Who´s here?

    I don't think I understood your answer right, jeeks... :D @ Stephan...
  4. Who´s here?

    Ok, then you're good in this:smoke: Next Question: If you overtake the last person, then you are...?
  5. Who´s here?

    You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in? Anyone??:eyebrows:
  6. Who´s here?

    A good haircut and a nice perfume may distort my control, so you can use them:smoke:
  7. Who´s here?

    Don't worry...:smoke: Females have special treatment in my procedures manual. Maybe that's the result for being an Eastern guy...
  8. Who´s here?

    What do you mean by reklamations??
  9. Who´s here?

    Totally like this place where I'm living, but depends on the gender of the manager to confirm it...:smoke:
  10. Who´s here?

    And do they pay you by money or by chairs??:P I'm just kidding... Nice to meet someone who likes his job, very rare to find indeed...
  11. Who´s here?

    And do you think this job may satisfy you?? I mean, do you like it??
  12. Who´s here?

  13. Who´s here?

    I wish your sons and daughters all the possible luck finding somebody to marry them after being the result of this mix:P
  14. Who´s here?

    So, what are you studying exactly, Del Pierino??
  15. Who´s here?

    Don't bother yourself with my teasing... She is already yours, BECAUSE he's busy studying these days...:smoke:
  16. Who´s here?

    Could he be Juventino_hero (The Brandi man)??:P
  17. Who´s here?

    He's specialist in the very very romantic Turkish songs...
  18. Who´s here?

    Isn't that Rafet El-Roman?? I think this picture should be accompanied with some tunes to make you feel the whole atmosphere of your Azerbaijan, Elvino:smoke:
  19. Who´s here?

    :D Good one, Jem... Actually, I was one of those accountants until very short period of time, so I know what they feel towards me:smoke:
  20. Who´s here?

    I think they express better than anything else... This one was my first...