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  1. Ian

    New FIFA Rankings

    You're right, they didn't bring the full squad, but you'd be hard pressed to argue that the Brazilian U-23 wasn't one of the best sqads in the world.
  2. Ian

    New FIFA Rankings

    Why should the EC count more than the Gold Cup? They are the same things, just in different federations. I think that the Gold Cup may actually be harder in relativity, because they invite teams like Brazil...
  3. Ian

    New FIFA Rankings

    Actually, Costa Rica did well in the gold cup and has a very good record overall in the past ten years, that's how they got to that point. As for Mexico, they actually won the Gold Cup, and that counts for a lot in these standings.
  4. Ian

    New FIFA Rankings

    I don't know what you guys are on, but it all seems about right to me.