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  1. Hydde

    The Matrix

    I just remember a parody that "MTV" did about matrix reloaded with justin timberlake in one of those "mtv movie awards".. jaja it was jut TOO FUNNY. The architect was talking all his bullshit... and Timberlake was looking at him like "what da fok???". I the end the architect said something...
  2. Hydde

    The Matrix

    Oh thanks thanks Vit ans Sally!!! Jajaj and sally... yeah that scene was unreal you know! ,jaja and those kissings secenes beetween both, i think were overussed. A good example is when Triny kiss him in the Subway station. The show the scene,, with a very poppy love song. After that...
  3. Hydde

    The Matrix

    Majed, dont try to find a super realistic answer to the fact that neo could stop the machines in the real world. That happened beause he was "The one" and he was almost a ruler in the matrix. Maybe his own presence in the real world was in some way connected to the machines.. because his mind...
  4. Hydde

    The Matrix

    Well,,i finally understood the whole movie.... and i have to admit that the animatrix helped me a lot!!. Majed.... you answered yourself about the "Neo superpowers". He was connected to the machines in the real world...and because of that he was able tostop her in some kind of ways. He was...
  5. Hydde

    The Matrix

    :thumb: Yeah i forgot that he was not connected normally,, but connected with the main machine. And about the superman think... he yeah it was kind of weird. I would prefered instead of that scene of neo and trinity flying across the machines.... a group of human ships trying to get neo...
  6. Hydde

    The Matrix

    :thumb: Mmm so they would not disconnect ALL the people in the matrix,, at least not right away. Mmm Hey and why Neo was connected to the architect¿? Becauzse he is a program in the matrix roo? (neo)
  7. Hydde

    The Matrix

    Very good Post Here dude. Like u,, im onw of those who wanted all this answers... ecause ll of them were left in space. Above all my main question, is the architect one... He said that he was going to liberate all the humans who were connected to the matrix.... but that means THE END OF THE...
  8. Hydde

    The Matrix

    I saw it
  9. Hydde

    The Matrix

    Hey i saw the movie yesterday!
  10. Hydde

    The Matrix

    I think that you are exxagerating a lot in you review... sincerely.. It couldnt be that crap!!.