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  1. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    I will say this never trust a government agency on government matters.
  2. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    Without the eradication of the entitlement mentality and entitlement nation debt will never reverse.
  3. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    Add to this that you can top the whole of the supposed 1% at 100% and still there would be no dent in the debt
  4. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    Huffington post is ass this has nothing to do with Fox
  5. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    Shit source
  6. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    Why not? The gold standard would actually back the currency with something other than the puff of smoke we back it with now
  7. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    Gold standard is the solution for the USA that's for sure. Put that forward and abolish the federal reserve and bam growth by leaps
  8. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    Ahh who cares todays kids are stupid mindless drones
  9. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    No shit Im turning 36 in January DAMN your young!
  10. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    lol how much older am I then you?
  11. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    Yea I dont like him plus it went down hill when he arrived
  12. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    What does kevin nash and scott hall have to do with this LOLOLOL JK JK
  13. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    100000000000% agree
  14. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    we should go back to an agrarian society
  15. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    in the end its there and not used by these two presidents
  16. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    ' thats where your inccorrect, the president A) has veto power and B) the bully pulpit
  17. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    how do you figure Obama had a democratic house, senate when he rammed that down our throats
  18. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    yes but he let it through without veto and his administration pushed for it, so him and the rinos listed above did it together
  19. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    Yes but don't tell that to the democrats its all bushes fault. Idiots
  20. AndreaCristiano

    Global Financial Crisis

    That's all sorts of excellent lol