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  1. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    ye i am good at aiming got a guy in the hair once but he was bigger and i had to run for a while...... i reely dont want to run into him anytime soon
  2. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    12 years of smoking .. damn man .. i started at 12 so it must be 7 yrs by now... but 30 cigs a day is way too much man try to reduce... replace it with seeds .. when you feel like smoke kol bezr... try to limit to 10 a day.. its a oprocess reduce from 30 to 25 and soo on
  3. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    ey man try having a fully working lighter with a reaaly wet last cigarette or vice versa... da lighter is wet and every 2 seconds ur trying ur luck....theres also another situation were da cigarette breaks .. it used to tick me off untill i realized that it breaks into 2 cigarettes and one of em...
  4. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    honestly martin ... when non smokers ask smokers for cigarette and i do this all the time ... theres always the warning .. if i kno that you dont smoke and you ask me for a cigarette your gonna have to state ur case .. especially if ur a good friend i wuldnt want you to start smoking just like...
  5. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    see thats a waste of good cigarette just keep it on ur mouth and dont inhale to look "Cool" i despise the people who do that ... you enjoy a cigarette ... after all its also knows as a cancer stick ... smoking isnt cool and thinking smoke to look cool is the worse reason i heard for people...
  6. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    Your 100 Percent correct .. i ve been put into that situation many of times.... sumtimes i give a cig and its a friendly conv. or if i am almost out of cigs... it goes like this ... someone: can i have a cig........ me: do i kno you ? someone : no ... me: no then fug off .. hehe that...
  7. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    actually majed there were a couple of people from my school who did that they replaced the water with vodka and the coal with panadol !!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    marlboro reds , lucky charms , sheesha grape or cantelope
  9. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    how about after you have lunch or dinner... dont you like da occasional after meal smoke ?
  10. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    lol see even when i am using you in an example i give you the honourable death...... damn bus
  11. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    are you sure of that cause i could get ran over by a bus .. and you could die of 1st degree burns rather slowly .. you just never kno for sure.. i hope you die warm in bed though
  12. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    it could be worse ... we are all gonna die anyway.. in my case a bit earlier i guess but atleast u ll get that happiest day of your life so i ll live with that or die with it .. hehe peace
  13. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    by the way martin you didnt really specify smoke what... so it all counts .. people be honest.....
  14. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    hey fellow smoker we are losing... they must be smoking thats why they are not here to vote .. come on nicotine addicts ps. if its ok whoever votes yes .. can state wht brand and since when they ve been smoking... is that ok martin
  15. Modo Bianconero

    Do you smoke?

    lol good poll martin just suggested that in that italian smoking thread and my honour to place the first polling thingy .... not that proud of it but yes, oui , si , aiwa