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  1. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    of course they arent, they are by far the most privileged race
  2. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    vandals? doubt germanic tribes looked like kharron
  3. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Yeah I got to be relaxed
  4. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    now thats funny :D - - - Updated - - - @swag gets me :P
  5. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    What a despicable cartoon
  6. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    No, that would have been prevented if the girls left the scene as they were told 3 times. This cop didn't act in the best way to diffuse to situation to say the least, but the behavior of the citizens in question is a lot worse imo
  7. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    congratulations i have officially stopped taking you seriously, you can thank for that the abundance of smilies and non sequuntur
  8. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    none, as they werent involved
  9. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    i have no issues with cops, between the cop and the girl running her mouth i pick the cop.
  10. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    so we are just going to ignore how the cop, as retarded as he was in this situation, told the girl to leave like 3 times as she continued to run her mouth?
  11. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    yes sorry charging a cop is just good old decorum for suburban boys :sergio:
  12. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    he could have handled that better, but he is authority whether liked or not, and his commands are to be followed and that girl was certainly not yielding to that.
  13. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    he had every right to draw his weapon, those punks were charging him
  14. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    Cops in Texas are like that regardless of skin color of suspect
  15. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    fresh doesnt live in the US
  16. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    there is a lot more opportunities for blacks than whites, at least in education, only issue is black americas biggest problem is itself and its past.
  17. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    must be why i never get friendzoned :P
  18. GordoDeCentral

    Baltimore Riots/Freddie Gray

    companionship, security, and to pick up chicks