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  1. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    Why does everyone keep saying ogbonna is young ? he is 26, he should be at his prime already. Ogbonna is not good enough to start for any top 3 team in europe, he wasn't even called to NT ahead of the likes of palleta and ranocchia. I agree that good defenders are rare these days but that...
  2. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    Marotta: “If the opportunity arises, then we will take it, but at the moment we have achieved most of our transfer targets, We’ll see what happens over the next few weeks. We took on this season by maintaining most of the core from the previous squads and in the last 10 days we’ll see if any...
  3. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    This is absoloutly not "right". Left footed players always play on the left not because they can't play on the right side, but simply because they usually are the only left footed player in the team, so better put them on the left anyway.
  4. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    10m for Nastasic is really a bargain .. I would definitely get him for that amount instead of grandpa luisao with 3m wages !!
  5. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    Reports say we have 20m euros to spend on him. That includes salary and transfer fee. I think they mean something like 10m for his loan and 10m for wage. but the report is absoloutly stupid since as you said, what happens after the one season ? even if we included a purchase option say for...
  6. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    I'm really glad we had the conte issue to deal with all summer that actually kept papers busy instead of making random bull*$#% like the Falcao 'news'. But eventually there had to be a star player that we will be linked with like every year so Gazzzetta can sell some more papers, since linking...
  7. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    Allegri to the GDS: "The team gave good signals in the two formations. We played with the back four in Jakarta and Sydney and also in the whole game in Singapore. We need to work hard to acquire the knowledge that enables us to use another formation with the same reliability. This other...
  8. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    We were propobly the team that gave madrid (the champions) the most trouble last year. We could easily argue we played better than them in both legs. Reaching the semi finals or finals isn't impossible. It's possible. But that's not the problem. Our issue is about "chances" of getting through...
  9. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    I still hope we end up getting Nastasic somehow. He is the best option we have been linked to by far.
  10. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    It's not bad to have an alternative formation without Pirlo. What if he gets injured or unavailabe ? 4-2-3-1, with our current players, is a little bit of a stretch though, unless we sign a winger. I heard some talks about the possibility of bringing back Gabbiadini as a low cost solution...
  11. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    The main question still not answered, how good is he ?
  12. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    I didn't really see this guy play. Thats's why I asked. I would rather have Nastasic, that I actually saw playing. Very good prospect.
  13. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    According to GDM Juve are pushing hard for manolas. Does he have the potential to be a starter for us ?
  14. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    I agree. I never said it was easy to improve the 3-5-2, actually I think its very hard. I also never said those names I mentioned are availabe of affordable. I just mentioned some random names that would actually improve our 3-5-2. In an ideal world we would have those players. As for the...
  15. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    For me, Juventus's purchase mercato this summer is a faliure. At least untill this point. Entering this mercato we had two main objectives: 1- Strengthening our starting XI for the 3-5-2 or other formations. 2- Buying important players in positions we need that will allow us to be verstile...
  16. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    This would suck so bad. Why buy morata for 20m and play him as a winger ? Not saying allegri might not try it ... I agree that evra is much suited to play at a back 4. But I think we signed him so we could have the "option" to switch to a back 4, not so we can change formations completley...
  17. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    I still don't understand how can we decide witch players we need when we don't even know what formation/s we are playing. If we are planing on keeping the 3-5-2 then what we need mostly is a CB, a good one. If we are going to change to a 4-3-1-2 then it's obvious, we need a TQ (Isco...
  18. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    Obviuosly Ibra link is just BS, but even if it was real, zlatan is 33 already. Next year he will be 34. he is not that young. Unless he comes for free with a wage of 3-4m for 1 or 2 years the deal won't be worth it.
  19. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    Lavezzi would make alot of sense since he can play in a 3-5-2, 4-3-3, 4-3-2-1, 4-3-1-2. He would have to be a starter in the 4-3-2-1 or 4-3-3. He is a good player and he has 3-4 good years in him. I hope we sign him.
  20. FuriaCeca

    Wishlist and General Juve mercato talk (2014-15)

    Who did they get ? == why do people keep mentioning Isco ? are we linked to him or is this just wishfull thinking ?