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  1. Buck Fuddy

    Federico Peluso

    Don't beat around the bush, man. Not "might", I am 100% certain of this & so are you. Just imagine: this summer Marotta lands us that elusive "true WLB". Only, it's a 22 year old amateur that we sign from Caratese. Pissed off doesn't even begin to cover how you'd be :D
  2. Buck Fuddy

    Federico Peluso

    Torricelli remains one of my all time favourites, but could you imagine the reactions if Marotta were to sign someone like him today? Something along the likes of the reactions to the Peluso deal, times a thousand. If not worse. And you know you're someone who'd be extremely pissed as well.
  3. Buck Fuddy

    Federico Peluso

    I was replying to Cuti, who mentioned his first game :D As for that Lazio goal, I personally won't put the entire blame on him, even if he could have done better.
  4. Buck Fuddy

    Federico Peluso

    Not to mention that one of those 2 was actually a Buffon howler.
  5. Buck Fuddy

    Federico Peluso

    The first goal you're talking about was 100% Buffon. Second was him & Buffon. While I seem to remember the 3rd one being a joint responsability of quite a few players. Besides, 90% of the opinions on here were formed before he played 1 minute. And a lot of people will stick by that opinion...
  6. Buck Fuddy

    Federico Peluso

    General opinion on here would have been a lot different if he wasn't Italian and/or did not arrive from another (average) Serie A team and/or was a better known, more expensive player. He really had & has nothing going for him :D
  7. Buck Fuddy

    Federico Peluso

    Hopefully someone who never misses a game & plays for free :D Oh, and I hope Nancy will do great here.