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  1. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    [/B] Indeed, in a way im glad Juve hadn't gone down that road. Sticking with a certain manager for that long (Arsenal is too in a tough situation with Wenger) makes clubs out of touch with the reality of changes. Moyes may do well there, but if he doesn't then United are in for a roller...
  2. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    You never know, things can turn bad really fast. Ferguson had a huge influence in United, now we can really see what that club is really made of.
  3. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    What about during Lazio and Fiorentina days, those 2 clubs were pretty much bankrupt. Calciopoli and the shaikhs helped him nodoubt but still they don't explain everything.
  4. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    Disagree there, the guy won "atleast" one title every single season ever since he first took charge of Fiorentina except perhaps 1 season (that's like 12 straight years back to back) thats definitely not a coincidence. I don't like the way his teams play and he looks clueless sometimes during...
  5. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    Loved it
  6. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    Poor Milan fans :lol:
  7. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    He's getting really old, time to retire.
  8. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    Well no surprise there, it was clear for years now that Arsenal's goal is to make money in this sport but hardly anything more. Personally I think their strategy is actually decent enough (taking into prospective competition).
  9. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    More like Juve and Udinese, no offense Fred
  10. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    How the mighty have fallen
  11. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    Decent player but to call him really special (atleast from that clip) is odd.
  12. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    The guy is hardly impressive, what's so special about him ?
  13. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    Still found it odd signing both Kagawa and RVP, how those two would fit in the same formation when united already have Rooney and two solid wingers. Pretty strange move.
  14. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    :agree: been saying this for a long time, Arsenal owners are pretty happy with Wenger as long as he's making money for them. It's a win-win situation for them.
  15. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    Arsenal can go far even in Europe with their current squad IMO.
  16. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    bit weird how Chelsea would play both Hazard and Oscar in the same team.
  17. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    Lucas to United is just a BS rumors IMO, every summer English newspapers links them to the biggest up and coming talents out there :rolleyes:
  18. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    As long as wenger is on charge, they will qualify for the CL every season. Am pretty confident of that.
  19. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    I disagree with most of the guys here, I think Arsenal's strategy is pretty smart actually. Arsene Wenger is creating value in his players and keeps selling them for Huge profits + as long as he's on charge of Arsenal, they will "always" qualify for the CL every season. I said that in the last...
  20. only-juve

    [ENG] Premiership 2012/2013

    Don't rate Lucas myself, probably the best dribbler in Brazil right now (maybe). But lacks brains to go with it (reminds me a bit of Denilson). Neymar on the other hand is a much more complete player IMO.