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  1. Gay Adoption

    "I'll pee while you suck my dick", "you're so retarded bitch", "pig covered with shit" - that surely is the level of decency I won't match in nearest time Jack.
  2. Gay Adoption

    I call people names because I think they are dumb, thick etc not because they are calling me such way.
  3. Gay Adoption

    No, I predicted what might happen. You came and said it will not happen in the future and based it on current situation were EU can't affect the situation here directly. You're really thick man.
  4. Gay Adoption

    Sad to hear that. In Latvia there are problems only with 10+yo, even those with health problems usually find a new family successfuly, even in the hard economical circumstances here.
  5. Gay Adoption

    I accused you of pretending like you know the future, genius. Predicting and acting like you know what will happen are two different things paddock.
  6. Gay Adoption

    I never asked you anything, you came there, responded to my future prediction about my country you probably now fuck-all about as a smart-ass and said "no, it will not happen", like stating a 100% true fact. I on the other side never said it will, I said it might, there's a difference. Anyways...
  7. Gay Adoption

    I highly doubt allowing gay adoption would improve the situation drastically, the <1yo would still find homes and those who get there when they're older would still stand very little chance to find a new family.
  8. Gay Adoption

    And I'm not talking about current situation, but making future predictions, while you are the real smart ass talker here, predicting future happenings like you know it all. Latvia is greatly dependent on decisions EU, IMF and other international organizations makes, so that is one way I see the...
  9. Gay Adoption

    True, should've used anyone. Still, it's not a human right to marry Samwell or 5yo girl if you feel like it.
  10. Gay Adoption

    It depends on how you define family. The way I see it, two men can't have a right for family between themselves because family is between men and women and child and parents. Our constitution is based on European Convention or Human Rights. Anyway, the point is that "gays are humans too"...
  11. Gay Adoption

    They'll loose the fight before it starts, no reason to waste the administrating funds.
  12. Gay Adoption

    again, the adoptation is a difficult process that takes time and it's a problem for those older than a year - no one usually wants to take a 6 or 7 yo, not talking about 13yo. recently born - there are no problems there. by allowing gay couples adopt, you cut the chances for normal couples to...
  13. Gay Adoption

    Eu doesn't have the power to directly change things, but that doesn't mean that at one point they might not put a little or not so small pressure on those not-so-liberal countries. They have a right to family life in Latvia in a way it's written in Latvian constitution - an alliance between...
  14. Gay Adoption

    depends on country
  15. Gay Adoption

    And they are allowed all the human rights.
  16. Gay Adoption

    So where will we finish this year? What's the model of my next car? Any other future things you can share with us with such certainty?
  17. Gay Adoption

    Because adoption is a difficult process and many heterosexual parents are waiting to have their adopted child.
  18. Gay Adoption

    They would be fucking up, because that's not their business, just like Zlatan pointed it out.
  19. Gay Adoption

    That's true and as long as EU doesn't force it's power on Latvia for example, I doubt gay marriage will be successful here.
  20. Gay Adoption

    I don't think that we can generalize, I agree. I'm just happy to happen to live in Latvia were such things won't trouble me as long as EU doesn't fuck up. There's nothing in people rights about the right to marry or the right to raise a child if you can't make one yourself.