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  1. Martin

    Gay Adoption

    It means nothing to you but that doesn't mean it doesn't affect the attitudes of people who are not quite so in the deep end in their religious identity as you are. Lots and lots of people who call themselves religious don't actually mind talking about the merits of their theology, even with an...
  2. Martin

    Gay Adoption

    And your belief means nothing to me, so I guess we're about square?
  3. Martin

    Gay Adoption

    What you said there is "something you think ought to be the case is not the case". I'm aware of that, in fact that's why I challenge it.
  4. Martin

    Gay Adoption

    I don't think either of them should be sacred, nor should anything else. Sacred is just a bs cop out to have a ridiculous opinion and prevent people from talking about it.
  5. Martin

    Gay Adoption

    Yes, but why should anyone care? Maybe to me sexuality is more personal than faith? Or maybe comic books are most personal of all.
  6. Martin

    Gay Adoption

    Okay, but do you support this logic?
  7. Martin

    Gay Adoption

    So what? I can say that Amauri is my god and savior. Or Freud. Or Obama. Or JCK. And based on that you will not say anything nasty about them, agreed?
  8. Martin

    Gay Adoption

    No it's not. To equate attacking an idea with an attack on a person is precisely the problem, a fundamental logical flaw. To call Jesus a name is no different from calling Juve a name. If you call Juve a name you're not actually insulting me, only Juve. If I choose to associate myself with Juve...
  9. Martin

    Gay Adoption

    The difference is that when you insult gays rarely does anyone protest. But religion on the other hand has this invisible politically correct shield around it that prevents most people from saying anything critical about it.