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  1. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

  2. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

  3. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    Alen, JCK and Salvo :tup:
  4. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    The ultimate aim for sex is to have an orgasm. Whether the cum ends up on the persons face/ass/vagina is another question all together.
  5. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    I agree with you 100% BTW c
  6. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    Whats your take on it Burke? Do you think gay people are born to want to put their Toulalan's in men's Panucci's? Or do they "choose" to.
  7. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    :tup: exactly right.
  8. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    As if straight couples are infallible. The amount of junkie, housing commision scum who procreate without a care in the world and fail to care for, or love their offspring in a humane fashion makes me sick. Why shouldnt a loving couple, even if they are gay, not provide love and shelter to a...
  9. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    :lol: Yeah its all about the "environment". Did he have two dads as well? I heard if you have two dads you're a nailed on 100% flamer, no questions asked.
  10. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    I dont know if you guys (Salvo and JuveJay) have ever heard of him, but there was a Rugby League player called Ian Roberts who was openly gay, first and only RL player to come out. This guy was built like a brick shithouse and could fight like a thrashing machine. Grew up in a rough and tumble...
  11. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    BTW a gay friend of mine here in Sydney says he knows a huge number of gay people of Arabic/Turkish/Middle Eastern descent who basically live double lives because they are scared to come out because of the "shame" it would bring to their parents and family.
  12. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    How do YOU know they arent born like that cheese? Did you wake up one day and decided you like girls? Or did it just happen as it happened. Why is it so hard to understand the concept that gay guys like men not because they chose to, but because they were born that way? And I have to laugh...
  13. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    I still cant believe that people actually think people choose to become Homosexuals. I don't remember ever making a conscious choice of liking/being attracted to females, I can't imagine why it would be any different to a homosexuals being attracted to men. It's sad to see such prejudice and...
  14. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    Oh yeah cause straight guys never go out on a weekend and try to fuck as many women as they can? :lol: And straight men/women never cheat on each other either too, :lol: Its da evil gayzzzzzzzz i tellz u!!!! HOMGZ the sky is falling!!!!!111
  15. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    Some really warped views in this thread. Shocking and a bit dissapointing too. I dont see why people being born a certain way should be ridiculed and not treated as equals. Thank fuck I live in a Society thats accepts all people of all races, creeds and sexuality etc. I guess I'm just a...
  16. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    At the same time I work with a bunch of straight dudes who always talk about wanting to bang girls 24/7 (I always talk about it too), whats the diff? The touching part isnt cool obviously, but I for one have never experienced that with gay people Ive encountered in Oz and if they tried to Id...
  17. Bianconero_Aus

    Gay Adoption

    People being hated on because they were born a certain way. Not cool.