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  1. Buck Fuddy

    [Serie A] Cagliari - Juventus (05/02/2011)

    Possibly. I wasn't really talking about being less exposed though. In a lot of games I just felt our RB positioned himself so narrow that he was basically a CB during big parts of the game, unlike our LB who (tried to :D) cover(ed) his side in a more regular way. I could be wrong though...
  2. Buck Fuddy

    [Serie A] Cagliari - Juventus (05/02/2011)

    If we're going to bench everyone who hasn't been up to scratch lately, then we won't even be able to play the game :D I can see where you're coming from. Even if I think it's mainly the right side that is being kept narrow. Haven't really noticed the same thing on the left.
  3. Buck Fuddy

    [Serie A] Cagliari - Juventus (05/02/2011)

    So, I take it every one is okay with a CB duo of B&B and shifting your best CB out wide. Amusing.
  4. Buck Fuddy

    [Serie A] Cagliari - Juventus (05/02/2011)

    Excellent formation. Personally, I really don't see any problem in making our already weak defence even weaker.
  5. Buck Fuddy

    [Serie A] Cagliari - Juventus (05/02/2011)

    I do love being given advice by people who want the club to lose. Makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside.
  6. Buck Fuddy

    [Serie A] Cagliari - Juventus (05/02/2011)

    Jack doesn't do sarcasm. Plus, losing is obviously better. You know, in the long run. Just like it was last season. And the season before that. And...