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  1. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    While all they ever needed really was Ibrahimovic in the summer.
  2. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    I'm sure Leo is heartbroken.
  3. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    And still not a bad word about Juvenus. Zlatan. :delpiero:
  4. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    I wish Inter and Milan suffer the same fate as Il Grande Torino. :snoop:
  5. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    True, but that's precisely why talent alone doesn't cut it. If it were so, Quaresma would have been huge. Tons of players really.
  6. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    He's fantastic no doubt, but saying he can become bigger than Messi or Ronaldo is pushing it. Look at all the Aimar's, Saviola's , etc. Talent alone doesn't cut it. I'm not saying it's not possible, anything's possible, but it's too soon to make such predictions.
  7. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    Lets not get ahead of ourselves. The guy has one good season for Palermo behind him.
  8. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    That is so true. :D
  9. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    Lets not get ahead of ourselves.
  10. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    Lanzafame for sure. His hair is gay and so is his playing style.
  11. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

  12. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    Yeah, true that. I really feel sorry for people who are not from Balkan's and can't enjoy a movie like this. :D
  13. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    Everyone should see the movie as well. :D
  14. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    It's Zamparini and it comes after Inter's win over Palermo. Which do you think it's about, really? Dominating or Cheating? :D
  15. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    Thanks. "Up to 20 scouts will operate for the club in Italy with a further three spread out in Brazil, France and Holland." Oh my f-ing good. :lol2: 20 scouts in Italy? Jesus Christ, that's just so stupid. It's so stupid I'm thinking it must be mis-information. One would think you need...
  16. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    Where can one see the list of assignments for our scouts?
  17. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

  18. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    Too bad as Honda is the new El Hadji Diouf.
  19. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    Not much of a surprise, really. :D
  20. V

    [ITA] Serie A 2010/2011

    It was a joke. I meant that I liked your "Balotelli should be collecting corns" bit, because I like black humor. (pun intended)