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  1. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    I absolutely agree with that and it was exactly what I was saying. I concured with you that relying only on emotions was foolish but I disagreed with you that we must rely soley on rationality itself. Rational thought is not sufficient to explain all moralistic phenomena. These feeling that do...
  2. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    I think homosexuality is wrong. I also think democracy and freedom is right. . If I suggest we must stop homosexuality at all costs that I am going against my moral priniciple that suggests freedom and democracy is right. Thus, if I had to pick between tolerating homosexuality which I find to be...
  3. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    Well, Martin, it's because morality is not a topic that should always be analyzed rationally as I explained. There are many moralistic yet not neccesarily rational conventions that have benefited humanity greatly. If we get rid of intuitive responses to fucking one's mother or sister, then we...
  4. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    Very well. I will give you many reasons why it does not make sense to postulate ethical relativism. 1) While the moral practices of societies may differ, the fundamental moral principles underlying these practices do not. For example, in some societies, killing one's parents after they...
  5. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    Some cultures would disagree with you. Here's the problem I have with ethical relativism. If it were true, then nothing would be wrong with raping a woman. It's just disadvantageous to society thus we should avoid it, but somehow if it had been advantageous to society then it would be...
  6. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    Inside joke?
  7. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    Give me 200 vcash and I'll let her out.
  8. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    It disturbs me that you are being sarcastic.
  9. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    An action does not have to be harmful to society in order for it to be considered immoral. It's immoral to disregard senior citizens although disregarding them may actually lagely benefit society. All the money that goes into pensions could actually be spent on improving the economy. But we...
  10. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    I disagree. Torturing a new born child for pleasure is fundamentally and absolutely immoral. Time and place are irrelevant, just as with absolute physical laws, some actions are indeed absolutely moral or immoral. These existent moralistic truths that hold regardless of society, time, or...
  11. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    Well, it's a philosophical proposition based on human behavior. Take the causality theory for example, it is a philosophical proposition based on physical observations yet it does not lack any objective truth at all. The fact that morality in general is more to do with philosophy rather than...
  12. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    The both are exactly the same. If you and I has a dispute over a physics problem, we may never know who's really right in the end although we may both be wrong. It is the exact same thing when it comes to morality, we may both claim to know the right moral principles while at the same time, we...
  13. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    That's a logically fallacious statement. If you and I argued about the solution to a physics problem, does this automatically mean there is no absolute answer to this problem? The fact that some question may arise a dispute or an argument does not at all suggest that this question does not...
  14. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    It's still immoral. There is no reason why my life is more valuable than his. If he, however, threatened to kill 5 children if I didn't kill him, then I would. The context is very important, not so much the intent. For example, I killed a man that was about to blow up a shopping mall. I did...
  15. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    Since sound can exist without the perception of humans, so can morality. We don't have identify something as being moral immoral for it to be so. I think there is an evident framework that defines humanity, I don't know if it was God or some green alien, but it seems very clear to me that our...
  16. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    There is nothing wrong with that statement per se. Now, when you include more information like you have above, then I would say it was immoral. I don't see why it is the intention that decides whether something is moral or not. If I shot a man, I did something immoral. It doesn't matter...
  17. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    People have sex with their family members for sexual pleasure. If you saw a guy fucking his mother for pleasure, would you deem his act morally right or wrong? I think you know where I'm going with this.
  18. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    You missed the point. Is it wrong to have sex with a family member even if you were being safe? why or why not?
  19. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    Sound: Vibrations transmitted through an elastic solid or a liquid or gas, with frequencies in the approximate range of 20 to 20,000 hertz, capable of being detected by human organs of hearing Now, if the perceptors of sound did not exist, would sound exist?
  20. rounder

    A Thought Experiment

    I see. If a tree fell in the middle of the woods when all life forms did not exist. Did the tree make a sound?