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  1. Martin

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    I didn't call it crap, I said I expect to be calling it crap if I had read it :D
  2. Martin

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    Do you really want me to read the quran and tell you it's total crap? Is that really what you want? Because I have very little doubt about what is to be found in there. I could do that and come back to you, but I'm quite sure it wouldn't make you happy and I would be wasting a lot of time on...
  3. Martin

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    I'm saying what we have is not free will ffs. Where the f is god? Why can't I talk to him? Why can't I destroy him if I WANT to?? No, instead we are inmates in a prison, and god runs the prison. We can't get out and we can't get to him. But he says we have "free will" to behave towards each...
  4. Martin

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    Yes, but his whole argument hinges on this premise that we have to have the *ability* to do bad in order to have free will. What if you could think about doing bad things but you couldn't physically do them? You'd be harmless. And people would say you're good, right? Because you don't do anyone...
  5. Martin

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    No. Think about it, JuveRev says my ability to do bad means I have free will. That's a physical ability, right? If I hit someone, that's a physical act. What if I didn't have that ability? I couldn't hit people then, could I? So why do I have this ability and not flying, which I would much...
  6. Martin

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    Not at all. Why shouldn't I have the power to fly just the way I have the power to submerge myself in water? In either direction, up or down, if I go too far I die. A perfect example of free will, wouldn't you say? But no, I can't fly. If I could have I would have. So how can you call that...
  7. Martin

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    Being good and accepting god have nothing to do with each other. Religious people are no more good than others. So if I didn't have the ability to be bad then I wouldn't have free will. But you know what? I don't have free will. I can't fly. I can't breathe under water. I can't read people's...
  8. Martin

    Debunking Dawkins' Central Argument

    How about just making us good in the first place? Rather than make us bad and "allow us" to be bad? Makes no sense whatsoever.