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  1. Alen

    Ivan Obradovic

    The goal he scored in the WC qualifiers last month
  2. Alen

    Ivan Obradovic

    The article i read didn't say he was slow. They were comparing him to R.Carlos and they said that Carlos was faster than this kid.
  3. Alen

    Ivan Obradovic

    Yes, but how many 20yo left backs do you know ? Some of those guys who are now 20 and who play LB will certainly become known worldwide in few years but if you're asked to tell me the name of one single 20 yo LB you won't know at the moment. I agree that Juve needs quality on LB asap, we don't...
  4. Alen

    Ivan Obradovic

    Well, since we haven't seen him we can't make comparissons but Kolarov is 2 years older, he plays for a well known European team and yet he doesn't play for the NT, while this Obradovic guy probably played great in order to win a starting XI place in front of the other Serbian LBs (Kolarov from...
  5. Alen

    Ivan Obradovic

    Yes, common Serbian surname.
  6. Alen

    Ivan Obradovic

    Hehe, well he's now a regular for Dule's national team and i see he also scored a goal on the last WC qualifying match, so we can hope for some objectivity.
  7. Alen

    Ivan Obradovic

    Obradovic-Juve, l'agente a CM: 'Tutto vero. Ma ci sono anche altri due club italiani' Su Ivan Obradovic c'è la Juventus, ma non solo. I rumors che circolavano nei giorni scorsi riguardo il terzino serbo, da molti considerato il nuovo Roberto Carlos, trovano ora conferme. A ne...