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  1. Fred

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    outlawing all Danes because of the acts of an extreme minority of them.
  2. Fred

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    now thats just stupid.
  3. Fred

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    you do realise that, the radio network the DJ was working for was a private company as well, dont you?? it isnt just black or white. I'm all for freedom of speech, but like everything, it should be within certain limits.
  4. Fred

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    So if i was a radio presenter in the US and i cracked jokes about the victims of 9\11, that would be ok??
  5. Fred

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    I get your point and i agree with almost everything you said except for the bolded part. You see you have to understand that we're living in different parts of the world, with completely different cultures. What is acceptable in the West doesnt have to be accepted here as well. Over here its...
  6. Fred

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    exactly I could say the same about the DJ, i mean its common sense, you should know how sensitive the matter of God is here in the Middle East. So basically its an unwritten rule.
  7. Fred

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    exactly, i mean its ok to offend one billion muslims by insulting god, but calling Zlatan a, your out of order Rab
  8. Fred

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    Ok if freedom of speech has no boundaries, can i say anything i want here?? and i mean anything, without getting any warnings. Come to think of it, why are their warnings in the first place?? they are restricting freedom of speech..and how come people get banned for things they said??? where...
  9. Fred

    Dubai Virgin Radio Dj fired for offensive comments on god

    the truest words spoken till now in this thread.