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  1. Martin

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Where the heck have you been? :)
  2. Martin

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    You know economic theory is so romantic and blissful, but when the realities don't reflect the assumptions of the theory, it isn't very useful. If all your clients got Windows pre-installed (metaphorically speaking) your supplier wouldn't sell more than 5 units of anything.
  3. Martin

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Well, I don't know how many employees Redhat has but Debian literally has *thousands* of developers. Probably more than any other distro. So my point here is that what differentiates Ubuntu is how they use their resources. It absolutely does not, people have to know about it first.
  4. Martin

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Wouldn't know, haven't tried it for 10 years.
  5. Martin

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Yes, but they are very general and discuss linux distributions in general. No one distribution has all those issues though.
  6. Martin

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    I'm a sucky salesman. And frankly not a very committed one. We need Graham and Rami in here.
  7. Martin

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Yes, but what has his millions bought the distro? It's not like he's paying people to write these reviews. And it's not like others don't have a good backing, Fedora is backed by the biggest linux company there is.
  8. Martin

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    Hey Desmond, long time buddy :)
  9. Martin

    Why Martin is all giddy about Ubuntu

    For some of you Ubuntu was the first distro. Others have been around longer than that. In the rich distro landscape, everyone tends to find something that pleases them personally. Meanwhile I keep singling out Ubuntu like it's the best thing ever. Why is that? This is why...