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  1. Zambrotta

    Can you imagine moving to a smaller town

    I think I can see where you're going. But please explain further because I don't think I agree. People tend to think that there is no intimacy in big towns. I would say the opposite. In big towns you have to find a close friend or some kind of crew. You will probably become close friend with...
  2. Zambrotta

    Can you imagine moving to a smaller town

    Interesting. Uppsala is good when you are a student with all the nations and activities. WHen you leave studentlife you realize that you leave all you had there. What are going to study?
  3. Zambrotta

    Can you imagine moving to a smaller town

    We've touched this subject a little in the "Green card" thread. The background is that I come from Stockholm a town with about a million citizens. I moved to Uppsala with maybe 100.000 inhabitants and with much less activities and possibilites. I've realized that I could in the future I could...