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  1. Gill_juve

    A Protest Letter to

    no unfortunatle, i went on google news and found it today some guy did it it says his name at the bottom
  2. Gill_juve

    A Protest Letter to

    In Defence Of Juventus... Being a regular follower of Italian football, I have always perceived a hefty anti-Juventus bias in Sheridan Bird's regular 'Gazzetta' features, so it came as no surprise to see point number 10 of his 'Ten Things We'll Like To See In Italian Football This Season'...
  3. Gill_juve

    A Protest Letter to

    exactly in school they are always like italy are shit. well who won the world cup, who has only won it once on their own soil. they are pathetic, every world cup they get their hopes up and they do shit and always try to blame someone. ignorant tit heads
  4. Gill_juve

    A Protest Letter to

    typical english ignorance :disagree: i will help for sure