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  1. Dhaliwich

    Moment of Clarity 1.2

    I don't want to scan the newspaper with the pictures, but I think the most offensive one, was Muhammed the profet depicted as an arab man with a turban, which had a bomb wrapped around it, like the suicide bombs you sometimes see.
  2. Dhaliwich

    Moment of Clarity 1.2

    I'd say it's pretty important. As far as I know, it has the most subscribers and is (was) widely recognised as realiable, as far as newspapers go anyways.
  3. Dhaliwich

    Moment of Clarity 1.2

    I think it's a book she wrote about something else, where she said something about religion, concerning Denmark's problems with integrating muslims into our culture. But I have not read it, so I don't have an opinion about that. As to the newspaper, I strongly resented the pictures of...
  4. Dhaliwich

    Moment of Clarity 1.2

    I hope I don't regret this later, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm danish hambon.