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  1. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Just look at the bright side: we're finally dealing with overpopulation. I don't think I'd fancy you as a cookie though. I'm very sorry for the educated posters here, but I felt the need to explain my joke to Andy. Here you go, son:
  2. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Look, I don't care for Seven but hambon has crossed the line a gazillion times now. I don't think it's fair the lot of you are giving snoop such a hard time. He hardly ever offended hambon yet he had to take all his insults. It astounds me Seven got banned for much less when no one even talks...
  3. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    So Seven got banned for posting in an offensive way?
  4. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Yeah right. That has got to be the most biased opinion I ever read.
  5. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    It's not like I can help it I'm a German on vacation in Belgium who registered just moments after Seven was banned.
  6. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Zlatan's parole hearing seems to be over.
  7. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    It's a brilliant poem anyway.
  8. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Or was he only on a temporary ban?
  9. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    For Seven: Funeral Blues Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, / Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, / Silence the pianos and with muffled drum / Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead / Scribbling on the sky the message...
  10. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Seven was banned, because of religious intolerance, Lou. And because he acted like a five year old in a name calling contest as well.
  11. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    And pretty boring as well.
  12. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Haha, I'm sorry, I misunderstood. Sorry.
  13. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Was that a threat?
  14. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    I only just saw it now, sorry about that. I'll read it tomorrow.
  15. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Go ahead. I don't see what's the point in it.
  16. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    What's more funny is that I haven't used a single bad word. Rami has provided lots of insightful posts and he has made things a lot more clear for muslims. You on the other hand are only able to bad mouth snoop. I'm sure you have posted some good stuff in the past, but perhaps you should let...
  17. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    I'm spending the holidays there with my family. I'll probably be back in Germany the first saturday after new year, the 7th I believe.
  18. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    Depends on what you call close. It's not far though.
  19. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    I had my arguments for the ban. I didn't really lobby for it though. I merely suggested snoop to cool down as it's clear hambon will be banned if he continues doing shit like this.
  20. LoScoglio

    Moment of Clarity

    No. I'm in Lüttich.