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  1. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    Altair is right about satan or iblees as he his known to us.He was Allah's favourite angel,but when he refused to bow infront of Adam,he was banished forever.I do think Satan has an independent for the subject of Jinns,well yes they do exist and it has been mentioned in the Qur'aan.There...
  2. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    peace and tranquility. didnt a bomb just hit this place yesterday?:D
  3. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    contrary to what everyone might belive,i didnt report seven.i dont have any issues with him.him having a different opinion than me on things is not something that i am necessarily going to whine too lazy to go back and read each and ever one of seven's post in this thread to remember if...
  4. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    the simple fact is that you canot prove God' existence,just like you cannot prove that he does NOT cannot prove that a particular religion is correct,just like you cannot prove that a particular religion is incorrect. it all comes down to which side of the fence you want to be,and...
  5. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    see seven isnt God.:P zlatan just kicked his butt. so i refuse to follow 'God'.
  6. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    dude,read into the Qur'aan and THEN pass a judgement.and if you're not willing to do,it just goes on to show that you want to belive something without looking into it.
  7. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    so there's no girl called hollie involved then?
  8. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    what proof do you people have of the Qur'aan or Bible being written by man? maybe you travelled back in time and you had a few drinks with a guy and he said "you know man,ive got nothing better to do..i know!.lets play a write a book,and then ill write a book and then we'll give it a...
  9. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    lets put it this way. you dont have any proof of the Qur'aan being written by man,and other people who belive in God dont have any proof of it being revealed on man by stop trying to sound like you're CORRECT,because the chances of you being correct are equal to you being entirely mistaken.
  10. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    nicely put.
  11. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    its not about your point being proved,its about you being hellbent on believing that god does not exist.what you mentioned,are assumptions put forward by the common man.have you done any proper research on the subject?.id be more than glad to listen to your point,IF you bring forward some...
  12. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    well,i can assure you seven,the Qu'raan wasnt written down by a was a divine revelation on the Prophet Mohammad(PBUH).and being a muslim,my religion states that Jesus never claimed being the son of God,he was sent down as a messenger to bring people on the right path,the whole bit about...
  13. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    science doesnt explain God's existence.does it? and im talking about preventing death.what you're talking about merely postpones death,it doesnt make people 'not die'. and no i wasnt comparing God to a computer.i was merely trying to give an example and like i said,'its a crappy attempt at...
  14. HelterSkelter

    Moment of Clarity

    lets kick this off with something that extreme once sang : "a once upon a time fairy tale's fraud did god make man or man make god" you put forward some very logical arguments burke.and i cant deny that ive never thought about the very same thing,and there was a time when i was thinking...