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  1. Italy = anti islam

    Balasteen? Isnt that how arbi's say it?
  2. Italy = anti islam

    Glad your on the same page. Here's a shocker for you: the pros of knives do NOT overrule the cons. They even each other out. In fact, the pros and cons DONT EVEN MATTER. All that matters is how you use it. If you use it for its intended purpose and you wield it well, does anybody really give a...
  3. Italy = anti islam

    You need to rephrase that. All I can comprehend is that you have a delusional hate for religion because of certain people who misuse and misinterpret it. Does that mean you hate knives too, since knives have been used to kill or wound so many people?
  4. Italy = anti islam

    You need to spend more time thinking your person beliefs through. Everybody cannot have their own moral code because society will suffer from the consequent lack of unity and cooperation. What your saying is pretty typical really- discounting all the good done by a religion, preferring to...
  5. Italy = anti islam

    Well, Im glad that you dont see Arab governments as the purest form of government there is. At least we are on the same page here. I believe what you say regarding Islam being a real moral guide applies to Christianity too. However, you are wrong if you think Arabs are treated the same in the...
  6. Italy = anti islam

    Tony spot on. However, the government itself does not do much to help people. I was born in Koweit as an expat and lived there for a while. I saw the government doing just the bare minimum to help foreigners while citizens were treated like princes. Foreigners add up to 70% of the population...
  7. Italy = anti islam

    Snoopster I find your avatar hilarious, everytime I look at it!:rofl:
  8. Italy = anti islam

    Waaay outta line!!