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  1. Gandalf

    Italy = anti islam

    Yes.. it applies to most religions.. religion in itself is merely a moral guide to the one who embrace it who find spiritual sanctuary for his soul and mind.. that is the basic purpose of religion that most people don’t get.. instead, they misinterpret it and do terrible deeds in the name of...
  2. Gandalf

    Italy = anti islam

    yes.. point taken.. and yes, I am an Arab.. from the UAE to be precise.. :)
  3. Gandalf

    Italy = anti islam

    I don't know who you quoted that line from.. but how can be Islam found without Muslims..?? or did he meant, by muslims, Arabs..!! which takes us to another mis-conception.. most non-muslims non-arabs think that every arab is muslim and every muslim is arab, which is far from truth.. Islam...
  4. Gandalf

    Italy = anti islam

    thanks.. :) agree.. thank you.. valid point Layce Erayce.. but, unfortunately, governments in the middle east are far away from Islam despite what most people think.. even the countries that was looked at as pure islamic countries like Iran, former Afghanistani regime "Taliban", KSA..etc all...
  5. Gandalf

    Italy = anti islam

    nice post isha00.. I totally agree on what you said.. and I might add this: 1. Italy, or any other country, has the right to make rules for its security and protection against whatever threats it.. in this case, terrorism.. unfortunately, whenever the name terrorist comes up, it...