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  1. Martin

    B or A

    If you do both at once it would be quite a trick.
  2. Martin

    B or A

    Ferrara Ze or Byrone? :eek:
  3. Martin

    B or A

    Meh, deb. But don't love either. ?BSD ?
  4. Martin

    B or A

    Fedora. apt or yum?
  5. Martin

    B or A

    Three weeks? I'll be so bored I'll wind up here again :D
  6. Martin

    B or A

    I'm doing that already :D
  7. Martin

    B or A

    Hey he can still answer :D The game sucks, it deserved to be ruined :P
  8. Martin

    B or A

  9. Martin

    B or A

    tough choice
  10. Martin

    B or A

    I saw the pilot, terrible stuff..
  11. Martin

    B or A

    how do you know? :D
  12. Martin

    B or A

    I've had that about twice in my life, don't remember an after taste..
  13. Martin

    B or A

    :howler: Oh what a ridiculous comment :D
  14. Martin

    B or A

    If you make me a mango/papaya drink I'll probably love it, but enough in there so I can really taste the flavor and don't call it water. Also, carbonated water always tastes bad, you need some kind of a flavor in there.
  15. Martin

    B or A

    depends on how contaminated it is :D besides, Farris is bubly water, tastes crap
  16. Martin

    B or A

    how about tap water? cheaper and it's still water :cool: