Search results

  1. Martin

    Mod Poll 2005!

    thank you You'd be surprised how many poeple are attracted by that though.
  2. Martin

    Mod Poll 2005!

    So spending time with people you like and being able to influence what direction the community takes, influencing people (for better or for worse), better understanding human behavior, improving your English (in many cases) isn't worth anything? Btw playing music isn't creation, it's merely...
  3. Martin

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Looking at it from that point of view, nothing is worth doing. Like writing music, a bunch of lines and circles on paper. Or punching keys on the piano, invoking an incredibly tedious and simplistic mechanical process, resulting in a bunch of sounds.
  4. Martin

    Mod Poll 2005!

    I think Ian should be in it, he would supersede most of the contestants on experience.
  5. Martin

    Mod Poll 2005!

    Donaldo would be the most laid back moderator in the history of forums..