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  1. Pete

    Okay, here goooes..

    Muhahaha! She's a '7' I'd say. I like her look for being desperate, yeah she clearly is/was last night but I can see her wanting the exact same thing from it. A shag. I do need advice, I crave the attention that comes with it! :LOL:
  2. Pete

    Okay, here goooes..

    Haha..I'm a good storyteller, you'd hang onto my every word; then expect to make out with me. Then I'd kick your ass. :LOL:
  3. Pete

    Okay, here goooes..'s never 'just' anything with me, but I'm not sitting on the fence. I was already decided before even posting this thread..nice to share though, huh? :cool:
  4. Pete

    Okay, here goooes..

    Yeah. I'll regret it forever if I don't..I know this from experience. :wallbang:
  5. Pete

    Okay, here goooes..

    I never said I couldn't take him, I could take anyone - I'm Muscle remember? :P ..maybe so, strap-on anyone?
  6. Pete

    Okay, here goooes..

    I'm pretty sure she's safe on all only hang-up is that if her brother finds out it could get fairly messy, I mean I've teased him about her before - he's a year or two younger than me, and he looks to me as someone who will stand up for him or something..I have an image of him throwing...
  7. Pete

    Okay, here goooes..

    Well it happened really late, an hour ago. All my mates are nonces, and are the biggest frig's you've ever seen..I just felt like typing it down to record what happened so I don't forget it tomorrow more than anything else. Noted though. *hangs head*
  8. Pete

    Okay, here goooes..

    Right well, my plans for the summer are non-existant. I'm stuck at home with my dog for 2, maybe 4 weeks if my parents decide to take that second holiday. Anyway, it just so happens last week my neighbours went on holiday. They left their daughter, sister of a guy I have a kick-about with...