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  1. Explosions in London !

    Its got nothing to do with "respect" for you personally, its about your opinions, which if they are good then deserve to be heard, making your post less respectably simply makes less people want to read what you say.
  2. Explosions in London !

    Yeah, but its good an all posting your opinions, but when it has just reduced to childish name calling, which is what 50% of the posts were, even if you had a valid post, by doing at the start of your post kinda automatically makes it less respectable.
  3. Explosions in London !

    Thanks Vinny, but its still not right, Dian can have his own opinions, I really dont care what a person like him thinks. All I am saying is that its got to the point where it would be best to close it. On an update. There could be a small glimmer of hope for my friend missing her name is...
  4. Explosions in London !

    If you want my opinion the way this thread has degenerate in to simple mud-sliging that it more of an insult to those who died this the closure of this thread.
  5. Explosions in London !

    This is the kinda of subject many people can be calm about, look at my post I normally try to not to offend anyone, I couldnt even care when i posted that.
  6. Explosions in London !

    the thread cant be closed because there are no mods left
  7. Explosions in London !

    the last couple of weeks the insults have been 99& of his arguments.
  8. Explosions in London !

    i dont hate any religion or race, i just want every terrorist in the world to put a bullet through their own heads, do the world a big favour.
  9. Explosions in London !

    What a bunch of cunts we have on this forum Andy turned into a right wanker over the last couple of days, what a ****ing racist ****ed up retard he turned out to be. Dian...**** off. "England had it coming" your are a little shit. Let me just tell you something, I just found out that 2...
  10. Explosions in London !

    So much death over something so meaningless and pathetic as religion just makes me wanna cry.
  11. Explosions in London !

    **** I am worried...Its now 42 hours since all this shit happened...And STILL had no contract from my friends, their parents are travelling to London now to see whats going on...starting to think the worst...:sob:
  12. Explosions in London !

    **** Gerry Adams and Martin ****ing McGuiness, two murderers who should be in jail!
  13. Explosions in London !

    I felt it was perfect after that post...
  14. Explosions in London !

    This ****ing sucks!!! How long does it take for someone to get into contract! :fero:
  15. Explosions in London !

    Gandhi again: "An eye for an eye makes the world blind"
  16. Explosions in London !

    Sally, couldnt of said it better. Its simple everyone has to have a long hard look at their own countries before blaming anyone else.
  17. Explosions in London !

    I agree with him :D
  18. Explosions in London !

    :LOL: I was 5, I dont remember what happened last week nevermind 13 years ago :D
  19. Explosions in London !

    Nothing, their parents are going to London now to see if they can find out whats happened :down:
  20. Explosions in London !

    Frankly this crap just pisses me off now, I feel sorry for everyone and anyone who loses family this way, regardless of nationality, relegion, hair colour or whatever ****ing excuse these scum use. i dont care how the died, whether it be "collateral damage" or "terrorism" fact is, its ****ing...