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  1. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

    Dom i have to disagree, even tho im not 100% behind the move, Vieira is a imense DM. Controls, motivate dominates and pushes the team forward. A dominating midfield of Emo and Vieira makes our team the stereotypical juve team : Incredibly strong dominating physical team...
  2. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

    well i hope that deal goes through.. i dont particularily want vieira even though i admire him inmmensly and he is one of my fav players..i hope owen comes back to england ....arsenal have always need a player like owen.
  3. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

    i thought there was an outright ban on sure it was outlawed.
  4. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

  5. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

    id prefer pizzaro...but not for any of the "i love pizzaro" reasons...or ur reasons eiter Dom even normally id agree 100%. The reason i want pizzarro over vieira?? ...because imo Arsenal will be fubared if they didnt have old Paddy Vieira...and since i wanting an entertaining EPL with a...
  6. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

    Big fat motha trucking smokescreen.
  7. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

    he does love the begining of the seaosn when he turned down real, he was said to have brokien down into tears when talking to wenger about how much he couldnt leave the club....he loves arsenal cos they made him .... only glamour and bullshit attract his greedy side to real.
  8. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

    blasi and gianicheda are destructive midfielders, who are the first line of defense protecting the back four/three....that is imho exactly what zannetti does, so why do we need another one... and im sure it was Cambiasso getting all the plaudits for controlling hte inter midfield...
  9. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

    we already hve the destructive midfielders, and lack creativity....why on earth should we sign another destructive player...we jus signed Gianichedda anyway...if we signed Zannetti it would become a DM circus.
  10. #10

    Juve Revive Vieira Interest..

    any of them would be zanetti which would be totally point less...we have the younger version in blasi....the more exeperience in tac....and the more physical in Appiah..why sin another Cap bumboy like zanetti? What will he add different?