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  1. [Serie A] JUVENTUS vs Cagliari (Sept. 26th 2010)

    Pepe isn't our problem at this time, he contributes to our team and isn't the fault for the defensive problems we clearly have, so we should be focusing on improving our defense and be happy that we score all those goals! I'm impressed by Del Neris use of this squad and can now see why we did...
  2. The Wish List and General Discussion Thread

    don't think this mercato was any good for us except Krasic and Aquilani. Rest is just mid-tabel material. Juve should save rest of funds instead of signing more average players now.
  3. Weekest point for 09-10

    I think if we get Diego our central midfield is looking great but on the wings nedved is hanging up his boots, and Camo is always injured. We need to strengthen at the wings. Because our attack is great and central midfield and backs( with Canna) are looking good. But rigth and left backs are...
  4. Serie A: PAVEL NEDVED farewell (May 31st 2009)

    His magical 2003 season was the best. I would like to torture the referee that gave him the yellow card, so he couldn`t play the final against Milan! We would have won easy! 5-0 With Neddy, but unfortunately it did not go that way:(
  5. Weekest point for 09-10

    I think if we get Diego our central midfield is looking great but on the wings nedved is hanging up his boots, and Camo is always injured. We need to strengthen at the wings. Because our attack is great and central midfield and backs( with Canna) are looking good. But rigth and left backs are...
  6. Serie A: Parma vs Juventus [November 11 2007]

    Stream anyone?