Recent content by snakies

  1. snakies

    [Serie A] Lazio 1-1 JUVENTUS (Jan. 25th 2014)

    wiping the floor with nazio tonight
  2. snakies

    Fernando Llorente - ST - Athletic Bilbao

    I don't like Llorente much. He may be better than what we have but he's certainly not that much better nor is he the goalscorer we need IMO. And 20 mil is insane moeny for him too. I'd rather stick to what we have, bench Matri and start Vuci with Gio. I'm also sure that once Quags gets some...
  3. snakies

    Andrea Pirlo

    whats so great about Giovinco? Granted i would like to see him up front partnering Vuci
  4. snakies

    Leonardo Bonucci

    hey guys i have a question. Out of all the goals scored against us last season, how many would you say were directly or indirectly Bonucci's fault? I can think of at least 6 or 7 that i can recall. I've seen a few of you guys really like to keep stats and such so i'm sure i'll find an answer here :)
  5. snakies

    [Trofeo TIM] Juve vs Inter vs Milan (July 29th 2008)

    i believe we're gonna do good this season. i just have a feeling
  6. snakies

    Birra Moretti Trophy: Juve vs Napoli vs Inter [08-11-06]

    just goes to show that we're still the best team in the world no matter what!!
  7. snakies


    well its now up to the civil courts to decide whats gonna happen. another appeal is on its way and we'll see what happens. i agree that we have been treated unfairly and i hope justice is done int he end
  8. snakies

    Mediaset contract with Juve - Good News!!!

    berlusconi is trying to make up for his team cheating the law. fuck him and fuck milan. i hope UEFA decides to leave Milan out of the CL
  9. snakies

    Inter proud to be champs

    how sad. inter fans should definetely be ashamed. if i were an inter player i would never celebrate or accept this scudetto.
  10. snakies

    The verdict - Calciopoli charges announced

    i have a feeling something very big is gonna happen with this whole calciopoli. the footballing world has been rocked already and it will be further rocked in the coming days
  11. snakies

    Do we still have chance?

    i believe we have a good shot of staying up. nothing is decided yet
  12. snakies


    thats not realism its pessimism. if ppl say we have a shot then we have a fucking shot. whats so farfetched about staying in serie A?? i say give us a fair trial and a fair verdict and then we'll see what we're truly guilty of
  13. snakies


    i hate all the pessimism guys. what kind of juve fans r u? i say we have a good shot of overturning this verdict and i say go for it 110%
  14. snakies


    well i think juve would only hire the best lawyers. i thikn this trial is way to rushed and theres really no time to prove anything. there should be a technicality somewhere. this sentence should definetely be reduced, the question is to what extent?
  15. snakies


    u wanna know whats wierd? the verdicts dont even concern what we're accused of. WTF is that all about? if we didnt violate article 6 (and we havent been proven to) then why the hell should we go to serie B???????? berlusconi is a sneaky bastard but he'll get what he deserves eventually