Recent content by Sivori

  1. Sivori

    The Simpsons quote competition

    Lisa decides to become a vegetarian and hides out on the roof of the Kwik-E-Mart together with Paul & Linda McCartney
  2. Sivori

    Films i hated but ppl loved

    I don't like any of the Matrix films. I used to like the first one, but after seeing it a couple of times I found it quite boring. And Reloaded was just a big waste of money for me. All this mumbo-jumbo philosophy just seems stupid. When I told some friends I hated it they said I "didn't...
  3. Sivori

    The Simpsons quote competition

    I'm reduced to guessing here... is it an episode were Homer recalls the 80's and Bart's child-hood?
  4. Sivori

    The Simpsons quote competition

    incorrect, I'm afraid. I'll give more clues if need be.
  5. Sivori

    The Simpsons quote competition

    I'll jump in with a quote of my own: - You did it, Nibbles! Now, chew through my ball sack! - :scared:
  6. Sivori

    The Simpsons quote competition

    I'm back!!!... let's see if I've returned exlusively for the quote comp. or if I'll wander off to other threads too. Right now I'm not that keen on the latter, though. btw, I think we need clues here... I also remember the quote, season 3 or 4 maybe, but for the exact episode... as I said...
  7. Sivori

    For all you guys who play(ed) football!

    I play as a defender or a defensive mid, so I usually don't get that far up the pitch. however this game I played as a RB in a three-man backline (which is a bit strange seeing as I'm left-footed). Durin a counter-attack I made a run up the right flank, about halfway down the pitch I get a cross...
  8. Sivori

    Is this the year?

    We won the League last season, and got to the final of the Champions League. This year everyone pretty much agrees that we've had a good transfer season. No doubt the team is improved from last year. The chances of going one up in Europe aren't that small really.
  9. Sivori

    Conspiracy Theory #2

    That's what they want you to think...:geek::stress::eyepatch:
  10. Sivori

    Is this the year?

    Taking away speculation from the forum wouldn't leave much left. Just a bunch of lists, such as: "Name your favourite left-footed right winger in the Premier League"...
  11. Sivori

    Conspiracy Theory #2

    What I want to know is; if NASA faked all these moonlandings, how did the Russians fake it? they haven't even been mentioned here.
  12. Sivori

    CDs vs Tape vs Vinyl vs MP3s

    oh, and I prefer vinyl...
  13. Sivori

    CDs vs Tape vs Vinyl vs MP3s

    so you are still here? I didn't come back cause I thought you'd left too. haha, this'll be good! send me a message sometime?
  14. Sivori

    The Simpsons quote competition

    That was EASY!! you should have waited for me to answer that!!:groan::(:stuckup:;) btw, hoshi, you were correct about my quote.
  15. Sivori

    The Simpsons quote competition

    Shelbyville steals Springfield's lemon tree, they go to get it back.