Recent content by MrYes

  1. MrYes

    Summer mercato 2015

    Zaza will most likely be Gilardino type of player
  2. MrYes

    Alvaro Morata

    she's the type of girl I'd rather be serious with instead of just bang day in day out.
  3. MrYes

    Alvaro Morata

    she's 24 lol
  4. MrYes

    Alvaro Morata

    Haha I don't even watch the show but yea she's gorgeous
  5. MrYes

    Alvaro Morata

    I see thanks guys
  6. MrYes

    Alvaro Morata

    Yea no doubt but I just wanted to see how you all rated his ability with the ball outside of finishing
  7. MrYes

    Welcome to the Juventuz Forums

    thanks man I got it
  8. MrYes

    Welcome to the Juventuz Forums

    I can't change my avatar it says "file is not valid" any help?
  9. MrYes

    Alvaro Morata

    who is better on the ball (control, dribbling, passing,etc.) between morata and cavani?
  10. MrYes

    [CL] Champions League 2014/15

    I had a nightmare that we lost 2-1 to Monaco at home
  11. MrYes

    Welcome to the Juventuz Forums
