Recent content by Bjerknes

  1. Bjerknes

    Dean Huijsen

    They have been listening to the experds here who think he is the next Pique.
  2. Bjerknes


    Why do religious people always like to fuck animals/couches/kids? 1721793267 Next thing you know he’s sticking his dick in the seat cushions at your local Chucky Cheese @Hust
  3. Bjerknes

    Timothy Weah

    It’s obviously a psyop. Best club for him atm.
  4. Bjerknes

    Federico Chiesa

    Years and years of rumors keeping us up at night, only to eventually sign the likes of Bernardeschi, Chiesa, and Galeno. We are so privileged.
  5. Bjerknes

    Summer Mercato season 2024-25

    Just when you think Jungtoli is a gangster and buys players we want, he instead goes after all these Lolzillians. What the fuck is a Galeno anyway? This is garbage.
  6. Bjerknes

    Juventus Next Gen

    This is sick.
  7. Bjerknes


    What the fuck is Penns, frens?
  8. Bjerknes

    Francisco Conceição - AM R - FC Porto

    At least this dude has a better name than "Galeno." That's just absolute faggotry.
  9. Bjerknes


    So just found out from someone that the Heritage Foundation, the Christian Fascist scumbags who run Project 2025, are in part funded by Russia. This isn't a surprise. But also the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. :shocked: That's good news because maybe if MAGA knows this they will reject...
  10. Bjerknes


    Yes, he did lose the election once. But it wasn't by a landslide. I think the only people ignoring that are those who say the election was stolen. Those people were already voting Trump anyway.
  11. Bjerknes


    If you place a tariff on a good, it's essentially a tax on that good. Someone will have to pay for that increase in cost, and chances are it will be passed onto the US consumer. I would assume real wages would increase with elimination of the income tax. But again, this will be largely...
  12. Bjerknes


    He will win because inflation is super high, the Dems bottled everything with Biden, and he dodged an assassination attempt. It's very similar to how Reagan won the Presidency in the 80's.
  13. Bjerknes


    Well yeah, we are already a dangerous country in some areas, so if they kill the income tax AND various social programs because of it, then that will be a problem. I don't think they are going to end all social programs. The problem will be funding them on the expected tariffs. Education and...
  14. Bjerknes


    If Trump continues to push for eliminating income taxes, he will garner votes on that, too. Upper middle class and above would be the main beneficiaries of that (the more you make, the more you are taxed), so that would be pretty cool. I'd love to have a few more thousand each paycheck...
  15. Bjerknes


    I wouldn’t contact the dude’s family either. Thousands of people have died in the past week. Nobody is calling their families.