Bests and worsts (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
I know the EURO isn't finished but let's start to figure out the bests and the worsts, than we will always have time to change ouer minds...

I start :)

Best coach

Rehhagel cause he was able to arrive to the demifinal and kick out Spain and France with a group of average players and Scolari cause was brave enought to change nearly all the team after the first match and to trust young players.

Worst coach

Trapattoni :fero:
He mistaked all that he could... the calling ups, the formations, the substitutions, the group gestion, ecc...

Best player

Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, Baros...
It was the youngisters EURO!

Worst player

Totti. He aimed to be the EURO's star, the new Golden Ball and :blah: and than he burned even the oportunity to play in the most stupid way he could. Brainless...

Best team

Czech Republic. IMO the onlyone who doesn't have any real weak point.

Worst team

Well the worst was Bulgaria who lost 3 match on 3 but considering the expectations I will say Spain, Italy and France.

Best match

Portugal-England. So trilling, I really enjoyed it :thumb:

Worst match

Well there weare many boring match, but I will mention France-Greece cause I was expecting it a good game and I ended up asleep...

Best goal

Ibrahimovic vs Italy. Here the stupid press always speack about "luck" but IMO it was searched and I know that if Totti wuold do something like that.

Worst miss

Beckham penalty vs Portugal. I know bad luck had a part but we cannot deny that penalty came out very very ugly.

Buy on
Jan 24, 2004
Best coach

Rudi Völler

Worst coach


Best player

Ballack, Frings, Lahm

Worst player
Totti. He aimed to be the EURO's star, the new Golden Ball and :blah: and than he burned even the oportunity to play in the most stupid way he could. Brainless...
Best team


Worst team

Italy and France considering their abilities

Best match

Germany - Netherlands

Worst match

Germany - Latvia

Best goal

Frings vs Netherlands

Worst miss

the evaluations at point "best coach", "best player", "best team" and "best goal" ;)


StrikerMania Champ 2004
Jan 11, 2003
Best coach

The Czech coach, because his team always fought back into the match in the second half.

Worst coach

Trapattoni. No more to add

Best player

Milan Baros, Zambrotta, Buffon, Robben.

Worst player

Totti, Sørensen, Chapuisat, Yakin.

Best team

Czech Republic. They were the best before Euro, and will be the best After Euro-

Worst team

Bulgaria and Switzerland

Best match


Worst match

Switzerland - Croatia

Best goal

Ibrahimovic, Heinz, Ballack and Rui made nice goals. But i dont know wich is the best, the Euro isnt over yet.

Worst miss

Beckhams Penaltys.
The substitutet player from Croatia against France... That was HUGE!


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
mine is......

Best coach

Karel Bruckner

Worst coach

of course none other than Trapattoni:groan::(

Best player

Milan Baros, Wayne Rooney, Zinede Zidane, Pavel Nedved

Worst player


Best team

Czech Republic.

Worst team

Spain, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy:(, France, England

Best match

Czech vs Holland. Fukkin shit!:thumbs:

Worst match

Sweden vs Denmark. :(

Best goal

Zlatan's goal against Azzurri:dontcare:

Worst miss

Beckham's Penalty missed against France. Suddenly the joker become the king:rofl:


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2004
Best coach

Rehhagel for a well known reasons

Worst coach

Trapattoni,hmmmmm, he is not the worst but i think its bulgaraian coach

Best player

will agree with this
Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, Baros...
It was the youngisters EURO!

Worst player

Totti. and not to forget Vieri

Best team

Czech Republic. IMO the onlyone who doesn't have any real weak point .
well they are quite slow, who knows may be its meant to be

Worst team


Best match

Czech and Holland

Worst match

Czech and Denmark (it was one sided game and fully dominated by the Czechs)

Best goal

Ibrahimovic vs Italy. Here the stupid press always speack about "luck" but IMO it was searched and I know that if Totti wuold do something like that.
IMO to score a nice goal u should be very lucky cuz nice goals are the unexpected ones and ibrahimovich goal was tottally unexpected
but i think german's ace Michael ballak goal against Czech is the best in this tourn along with historical van nistelroy goal against germany

Worst miss

Beckham penalty vs Portugal. I know bad luck had a part but we cannot deny that penalty came out very very ugly.
Its not the first and its not going to be the last for him
anyway i think DP and Vieri both of them has missed a few easy chances


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Dr-Juve ] ++
Best coach

Rehhagel for a well known reasons

Worst coach

Trapattoni,hmmmmm, he is not the worst but i think its bulgaraian coach

Best player

will agree with this
Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, Baros...
It was the youngisters EURO!

Worst player

Totti. and not to forget Vieri

Best team

Czech Republic. IMO the onlyone who doesn't have any real weak point .
well they are quite slow, who knows may be its meant to be

Worst team


Best match

Czech and Holland

Worst match

Czech and Denmark (it was one sided game and fully dominated by the Czechs)

Best goal

Ibrahimovic vs Italy. Here the stupid press always speack about "luck" but IMO it was searched and I know that if Totti wuold do something like that.
IMO to score a nice goal u should be very lucky cuz nice goals are the unexpected ones and ibrahimovich goal was tottally unexpected
but i think german's ace Michael ballak goal against Czech is the best in this tourn along with historical van nistelroy goal against germany

Worst miss

Beckham penalty vs Portugal. I know bad luck had a part but we cannot deny that penalty came out very very ugly.
Its the not the first and its not going to be the last for him
anyway i think DP and Vieri both of them has missed a few easy chances
Full agree... :thumb:


Sep 23, 2003
Best coach

Rehhagel -- agreed. His strategy has worked like a charm, and his players are ready to win it all for him.

Runner up: Karel Brückner. His decision to play his second squad against Germany -- and then supplement them with Baros and Poborsky -- was genius. He's had good substitute decisions and adjustments (he had to, being behind so often) that worked.

Worst coach

Trapattoni -- agreed. Wrong player calls, wrong strategies.

Best player

Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, Baros -- agree with all of these. Major impact players. If forced to pick one, I'd have to go with Rooney. Without him, England couldn't do much.

Worst player

Totti -- agreed. Completely senseless and is solely responsible for himself being a no show at the tournament when his team needed him most.

Best team

Czech Republic - agreed. While they had to come from behind in all of their group games, they did. Even with subs.

Worst team

I can't knock Italy for expectations, since they didn't lose a single game. But France never shined like they should, and neither did Spain (but that's always to be expected with Spain). I gotta say Germany probably gets my vote for underwhelming expectations.

Best match

The Holland-Czech Republic group stage meeting had to be one of the best matches I have ever seen in my life.

Worst match

Switzerland-Croatia. Nobody wanted to score. Switzerland went a man down and still Croatia couldn't do anything. Lame.

Best goal

Ibrahimovic's goal vs Italy was inventive, but I don't think it was as great a goal. More like bashing it among the bodies.

The Czech Republic's Heinz free kick goal was mighty impressive against Germany. Rooney's first goal against Croatia from 20m+ out was particularly memorable.

But for sheer elegance of set-up and coordinated skill, my vote has to go to the Czech Republic's second goal against Holland. Nedved crosses, Koller chests it down with his back to the goal, and Baroš cleaned up with a blast into the top of the net that no goalkeeper could stop. Timed perfectly. Simply brilliant.

Worst miss

Beckham penalty shot against Portugal looked freakish. He had one of those earlier this year at Real.
Jun 16, 2004
Best coach

Karel Bruckner
Otto Rehhagel

Worst coach

Dick Advocaat

Best player

My Top 5:

1. Milan Baros - speaks for itself if you've seen the matches
2. Arjen Robben - has been more than outstanding, is the tournament's leader on assists...
3. Wayne Rooney - 2 goals against Croatia and Switzerland...and he's already the new Pele...very overrated...still a classy talent but FAR too overrated...there are much better strikers around..
4. Theodor Zagorakis - Has played a tremendous role for Greece in achieving the semi-finals
5. Ruud van Nistelrooy - One of the topscorers of the tournament.

Worst player

Too many to mention

Best team

Czech Republic

Worst team


Best match

Holland - Czech Republic, the best EURO-match i've seen in a long long time, the quality and tension were thrilling.

Worst match

Switzerland - Croatia/ Greece - Russia were the most boring matches i've seen this tournament.

Best goal

Baros his solo run against Germany was pretty fancy.
Larsson's diving header against Bulgaria.
Just two goals i really like, there are many more great goals. Too much to mention

Worst miss

Zlatan Ibrahimovic's penalty against Holland
David Beckham's penalty against Portugal
Freddie Ljungberg's shot against Holland


Senior Member
Feb 1, 2004
Best Coach:

Karel Bruckner
Otto Rehhagel

Worst Coach:


Best Player :

Milan Baros

Worst Player :


Best team :


Worst team :



Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++

Best coach

Rehhagel cause he was able to arrive to the demifinal and kick out Spain and France with a group of average players and Scolari cause was brave enought to change nearly all the team after the first match and to trust young players.

Worst coach

Trapattoni Without doubts

Best player

Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, Baros, Dellas , Ibrahimovic, Cassano, Sorensen, Buffon, Portugal and Greece.

Worst player

Totti. He aimed to be the EURO's star, the new Golden Ball and :blah: and than he burned even the oportunity to play in the most stupid way he could. Brainless...

Best team

Czech Republic, Portugal and Greece. Those 3 teams knew how to beat rivals.

Worst team

Well the worst was Bulgaria who lost 3 match on 3 but considering the expectations I will say Spain, Italy and France.

Best match

Portugal-England. Super game!!
Worst match

Switzerlnd vs someone else in trhe first boring.

Best goal

There were a lot of great goals:
Rui Costa´s against england, Larrson´s diving header, Maniche´s against holland , Ibrahimovic´s backheel, and a lot i dont remember :p

Worst miss

Beckham penalty vs Portugal. I know bad luck had a part but we cannot deny that penalty came out very very ugly.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
Best coach

EDIT : Luis Philippe Scolari :D

Worst coach

sven goran-eriksson

Best player

Pavel Nedved

Worst player

Totti :yuck:

Best team

i dont care who'll win, i still think it's Czech Republic

Worst team

Italy - so many expectation, so many talents. shud have accepted the responsibility of getting knocked out, rather than pointing fingers at others

Best match

Czech vs Holland

Worst match

Greece - France :yawn:

Best goal

maniche's goal against holland

Worst miss

1. Beckham's penalty --- u suck!
2. Jan Koller against Greece
Jan 7, 2004
Best coach

Karel Bruckner but why didnt he take somebody off to put heinz in :confused:

Worst coach


Best player

Pavel Nedved

Worst player

Totti :yuck:

Best team

i dont care who'll win, i still think it's Czech Republic

Worst team

Italy - so many expectation, so many talents. shud have accepted the responsibility of getting knocked out, rather than pointing fingers at others

Best match

Czech vs Holland

Worst match

Greece - France :yawn:

Best goal

maniche's goal against holland

Worst miss

1. Beckham's penalty --- u suck!
2. Jan Koller against Greece [/QUOTE]


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
Best coach

Karel Bruckner but why didnt he take somebody off to put heinz in :confused:
i was thinking the same thing :fero: take koller off FFS.

after some thinking, i'll change it to scolari
Jul 12, 2002
Best coach

Scolari, as usual.

Worst coach

Inaki Saez

Best player

Arjen Robben, he made the most difference when put on the field.

Worst player

Raul. Come on.

Best team

Whoever wins...

Worst team

Spain. They were terrible. I mean, everyone expected Bulgaria to be bad, and to some extent everyone expected Spain to choke like they always do, but not that bad...

Best match

Netherlands-Czech Republic

Worst match

Can't chose.

Best goal

Owen vs. Portugal: a brilliant delivery from James and a great finish from Owen, that one will be remembered.

Worst miss

Ibrahimovic vs. Holland: he's too cocky to miss like that...


Senior Member
May 18, 2003
Best coach
I don't know, but I think that German coach that led Greece to the final is the best...

Worst coach

Best player
Milan Baros

Worst player

Best team
Czech Republic is the best!!!! then Greece!!!!

Worst team

Best match
Portugal vs England

Worst match
Czech vs Greece

Best goal
Ibrahimovic vs Italy
Tommason vs Sweden

Worst miss
Becks vs Portugal...
Ibrahimovic vc Netherlands...*Never trust a star in penalties!!!*


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
Best coach

Otto Rehhagel
Karel Brueckner
Luis Felipe Scolari

Worst coach

Giovanni Trappatoni

Best player

Wayne Rooney
Milan Baros
Cristiano Ronaldo
Maniche Ribeiro
Theodoros Zagorakis

Worst player

Francesco Totti
Raul Gonzales
David Beckham

Best team

Czech Republic

Worst team

Gli Azzurri

Best match

England v France
England v Portugal

Worst match

Swiss v Croatia

Best goal

Maniche Ribeiro (againts Netherland)
Wayne Rooney (againts Croatia)
Milan Baros (againts Denmark)

Worst miss

Beckham, Mellberg and Cocu - the penalty shoot out
It's really interesting cos they all wore (C) ban on their arms.

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