Saviola to Juve ??? (1 Viewer)

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
I just heard that Saviola said that he will leave Barcelona in June. The first squad to react about this is Juventus. Its said that Juve has started the negotiations with Barqa.
It is possible that if Saviola comes to Juve, Davids will stay in Barcelona and Juventus will pay a sum of money that Barqa directors will ask for.

If this is true, what do u think ?

I think that SAviola is good players, but we already have strikers.
5 of them (one loaned). I think we dont need him.

Buy on


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2003
Saviola is a very good player, and i think he would help Juve, but not as much as another big striker. We already have MIccoli and Del Piero as two shorter strikers. We dont need another one there. Instead we need a RVN style striker that will be a good sub for Trez. ANywyas, i wont be made if we get him :D


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003

He will not do a greta change... he is very quick and dealy.,,, but our attack line is more than enough...we already have good players there.-


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
Saviola is no doubt a very good striker. he is unlucky that he joined barca at a stage where the club seems to be going through many changes and not doing so well.

anyway, is he needed at juve? he is small like miccoli and del piero, but he isnt as creative as those, he is similar to a player like owen, that being an out and out small striker.

what does worry me is that if juve did jump to get him, and with rumours of stam being a major target and juve offering one of maresca or miccoli in the deal, does this mean that miccoli is going to leave us?

if anyone was needed from barcelona, i think Riquelme would be the man to get. we lack a creative playmaker IMO.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
Baraja is great...but then again, with tacchinardi, maresca and appiah all there, do we need him as well?

the only true player we are lacking in midfield is a creative playmaker and maybe a consistant right winger as Camo is off and on like brides dress on the night of the wedding.

we should aim for a playmaker, and then use Nedved in the role of Camoranesi. makes more sense as nedved is hard working and twice the player camo is.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
Ayala isnt a spring chicken anymore either...we need youth in defence. would rather stam instead if we were going for an old experienced defender.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++
Baraja is great...but then again, with tacchinardi, maresca and appiah all there, do we need him as well?

the only true player we are lacking in midfield is a creative playmaker and maybe a consistant right winger as Camo is off and on like brides dress on the night of the wedding.

we should aim for a playmaker, and then use Nedved in the role of Camoranesi. makes more sense as nedved is hard working and twice the player camo is.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Yeah, we don't need him. Anyway here's the article.

The Turin side is lining up a summer swoop for Barcelona’s want-away starlet Javier Saviola.

Juventus have long been interested in the 22-year-old Argentine and were heavily involved in negotiations before he eventually chose Barca.

However, he has struggled to settle in and recent disagreements with Coach Frank Rijkaard have seemingly spelled the end for his time at the Nou Camp.

Newspapers in his homeland maintain that Barcelona have begun offering Saviola’s services to a number of top European clubs for next season.

He was also linked to Inter and Milan before Christmas, but it seems that Juventus transfer guru Luciano Moggi is working to seal off any competition.

Trade links between the two clubs are already strong thanks to Edgar Davids’ January move to Barca and Moggi hopes to capitalise on that rapport as soon as possible.

The creative midfielder would bring that extra spark of vision to the Bianconeri side that has been somewhat lacking in recent years.

It is instead claimed that Milan will turn their attention towards Tottenham Hotspur enigma Helder Postiga.

The Portuguese international would join his fellow countryman Manuel Rui Costa at the San Siro in a deal worth £6m.
Jul 12, 2002
IMO, it'd be a useless move, because Miccoli is just as good as Saviola, and Saviola plays in Spain. There's no telling how terrible he could be in Italy.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
The creative midfielder would bring that extra spark of vision to the Bianconeri side that has been somewhat lacking in recent years.
The creative midfielder? since when is he a creative midfielder??
May 17, 2003
Exactly, he's a striker. I don't think we need him at all. We have enough Winggers on the bench that can't stand warming up as a sub every week. And we are going to pay money to add to our collections??? Besides i don't think it's an attacking player that we need.... I think it's a defender/defensive player.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
its not that we dont need an attacking player...i believe we definatley need a creative player in midfield, thats no secret we are short of one of those.

We have enough Winggers on the bench that can't stand warming up as a sub every week. And we are going to pay money to add to our collections???
its interesting you mentioned this. How long do you think di vaio will put up being 3rd or 4th choice striker? what about Miccoli, a player ready to be a starter, will he put up with being second choice to Del Piero even though dp is out of form? Zalayeta wont stay at juve knowing he is 5th striker. Basically, these players may leave. so i suppose moggi has to be aware of this and thast why he is looking at others. And lets face it, Saviola is a class forward. so if miccoli was to leave, or if di vaio was to leave, getting a player of saviola's status isnt a bad replacement at all.

remember, we cant just concentrate on one area, all areas must be looked at during the transfer markets otherwise we'll have probs as we have this season. last summer we looked at midfield and strikers as they were the weak parts of the team, and now look at our defence.:down:

cant make that mistake again!

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