How to play the guitar... (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Hi, ne1 here can help me with learning how to play the guitar. Work jes keeps me too busy to make time for lessons. Does ne here know ne sites on the net that would help in playing the guitar (am a beginner by the way).
I just recently bought an acoustic guitar, and i think im gonna hvae to learn it on my own.....

Ne suggestions?

Buy on


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Don't be mistaken - it's hard and you'll need to invest A LOT of time and practice (at least I did when I first learned to play).

Pay a visit to the nearest music school, ask if you can buy a couple of instruction books. That could work.


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
Guitar Noise is a pretty good site, check out their beginner part of the site.

That should get you started. Just practise and stay with it. 30 minutes a day and you will see progress fast. If you need any other sites just let me know, the "guitar" part of my bookmarks is as large as Oprah. ;)


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by tarmpropp ] ++
If you need any other sites just let me know, the "guitar" part of my bookmarks is as large as Oprah. ;)
Did I hear right that she won "Slimmer of the Year" or some such? :groan:


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
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    Erik, im sure im gonna need to invest in it. But im ready sure it isnt going to be easy. But i do hope i can get thru it, coz i really wanna play.

    tarmpropp, thanks for the site. Ne tips for a beginner like me?


    Senior Member
    Sep 30, 2003
    get some instruction books, and, most importantly, get lots of guitar music! that will give you the ear you need very fast, especially if you listen consistently. Good Luck!!


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    If u want to learn seriously.... try to search for a musci center and take classes there.....and if u do right,.,,, in more or less 4 years ull be good.

    If u want to be able to play any kinf of music...u have to learn classical music. All the styles of music comes from the classical,, that is the most difficutl and complex of all.

    A beginner have to start to learn the basics, i mean the mayor , minor and 7s chords.... it will help to learn the mayor circles, the circle of do,re mi,fa,sol,la and si.

    U will have to train some agility excersises... little scales and then ill continue.

    I recommend u to search for a professor.
    I had the luck to have a professor the house next to mine :D he is 27 years aold and is a pro guitarrist , he is my frind, and like me, loves metal we have a lot of things in common and is easier for me to learn.

    Dont get me wrong... there are a lot of guitarrist who become masters without even taking a single class... i have friends that are very good without classes............. but if u manage to learn the music structures and the whole thing.. ull be even better.


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    Dont get me wrong... there are a lot of guitarrist who become masters without even taking a single class... i have friends that are very good without classes............. but if u manage to learn the music structures and the whole thing.. ull be even better.
    But that too some people prefer learning on their own, there's no rule saying you can only learn theory and structure with a teacher.

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