Football vs Soccer (1 Viewer)

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
Football vs. Soccer
By - Doomsday

With the increasing popularity of the internet all over the world, people who would otherwise never meet are coming together in chatrooms, usenet, and message forums. It's not strange to visit a forum and find yourself conversing with someone from Canada, Europe, or even New Zealand. Instead of a 10 hour plane ride we're now only a few keystrokes away. The world is becoming a smaller place. Cultures are coming together more-so than clashing.

It's a rather beautiful thing. Gives me a gooey feeling inside. There is no need for bigotry on the internet; no one is fat, ugly, short, white, brown, or yellow. Cultural or physical differences aside, we're all the same. It shows us that no matter what our differences are, even when millions of miles away, we're alot more similar than we may have first thought.

Except when it comes to Football!

Who am I kidding? The only gooey feeling I get is the sense of nausea that over-comes me as i'm forced to listen to these morons attempt to compensate for their transparent inferiority complex as they bash the American version of football. Inevitably when males from different parts of the world come together, particular on message boards or usenet - eventually a debate will almost always come up over which is superior; american football or "their" football.

Once such a debate starts our newfound worldwide comradery is immediately thrown out the window. It becomes a situation of Us against Them, Football vs Soccer, the Good guys verses the Bad guys, Christians against Muslims, Neo vs. The Machines, He-Man vs. Skeletor -- America against the World. (South America, who??)

What I find most amusing about this pointless football debate is the fact that the foreigner, most often a European, is always the aggressor. Hey, dipshit's - you like your football and we enjoy our version, so why the drama? If you honestly believe that this is the one issue where you have an advantage over the USA, than you're just kidding yourself. Now let's take a look at the facts. These misguided fools will always bring up the fact that their football is played all over the world, while the American version of football is almost exclusively played in the United States and ignored everywhere else.

On the surface this appears to be a legitimate argument. Most of the time they'll simply toss out this defense and consider it case closed. However, what these propagandist fail to mention is that the major reason their football is so huge in so many countries is because Soccer is an extremely inexpensive sport to play and far less complicated to organize than the American version of football. While American football is a very high maintenance sport which requires very expensive equipment, soccer requires almost no equipment and all a potential player really needs is a ball.

Because of this important yet rarely mentioned fact the sport spread all over the world and contributed to its MEGA HUGE popularity, particularly among third world countries. This also explains why Basketball is played all over the world and is so popular in poor urban areas of the US. Congratulations, fellows! - your favorite sport is the past-time of choice among the deprived, the neglected, and the feeble of the world. The truth hurts, i'm sure.

Another hollow argument often made is that Soccer is better because the players are superior athletes and run almost non-stop for the entire game. I guess these mental-midgets have never bothered to watch an entire marathon all the way through? Or what about professional gymnastics. Surely those guys are in far better shape than a bunch of Soccer players. Using that same faulty logic, does that mean that those sports are better than soccer? Unlike soccer, which can come off as bland. Football is a very colorful sport and the players come in all shapes and sizes. While every starting rotation in American football usually comes equipped with five 325 pound offensive lineman, which has sort of helped create the image of football players being huge and un-athletic, it also features at least 3 extremely athletic wide receivers and a guy playing halfback who could run circles around any soccer player.

Since when is a pack of similarly built white guys jogging for an hour and occasionally kicking a ball the epitome of athletic prowess? Sorry, but when I pick-up a remote on Sunday afternoon whether or not a guy can jog for 45 minutes straight has no affect on whether or not I, nor anyone else, will want to watch it. This brings me to my next point. Because Americans have access to both sports, I think we're far less biased on this subject than most people from other countries who have never seen a game of American football and have had very little exposure to what the game is actually about.

I've watched soccer, i've played Soccer, and my verdict is: Although it can be a fun spectator sport when you're actually at an event, Soccer really does not match up well against the faster paced, more aggressive, and far more strategic American version of football. While it's true that everyone has different taste, a guy is a guy, regardless of his nationality.

Football is a very macho sport that appeals not only to the hoagie eating beer-gut crowd, but also to the more "obsessed" hardcore type who memorizes statistics and studies advanced strategies and tactics. American football is a very complicated sport with many layers of depth and it can appeal on many levels. While Soccer, in this authors opinion, is just a mediocre sport with simple rules that has acquired worldwide popularity because of its easier accessibility. Soccer will continue to be a world-wide juggernaut in the future simply due to tradition and national pride(it's an extremely popular international sport), however it is not a great sport, something Americans have always known.

The fact that we have rejected Soccer is irrelevant. It's a huge misconception for everyone to automatically assume that Americans are just pushing our football because it's ours, when really...we have BOTH versions, unlike most other countries who only get one. If you're offended that Americans have rejected your favorite sport and instead brandish our own version of football, an act which you view as American elitism or simply egocentric, than too bad you childish buffoons. We americans enjoy our football and will continue to enjoy it. We love the strategy involved, the drama between the wide receivers and the secondary, the 250 pound muscled defensive lineman smashing into a running back - the hard hitting action. While you "Soccer" fans on the other side of the world get to watch prissy guys running around kicking a ball into a net.

To each his own.

Buy on


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2003
Buddy, Football is the saddest rip off of Rugby. Americans, being pussies ;) changed a sport called rugby, put on some protection and padding, then ran on a field and said, 'look we made a new sport'. Now your making fun of soccer.

Who the heck is this guy anyways?

He must have been drunk.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
ya USA itself likes their version and the rest of the world likes soccer.
which is more popular of course the latter:D


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Lucky for Me, I happen to love both sports.

Football(Soccer) fans could learn something from American football fans when it comes to supporting your team. There are COLLEGE teams that average 95,000 fans per game at their matches, while it would take 3 Juventus matches to equal that total.

With that being said, this dude is awfully arrogant, to say the least. Not to mention very un-informed as well. If there's one thing that you can say however, is that we Americans do love our sport ferociously, as the attendance figures will show.

Oh, and Persian, those "American Pussies" are 285 pound Defensive Ends that can run a 40 yard dash in 4.5 seconds. So, if you do decide to call them that, make sure you do it form your telephone:D:D


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
Oh man there's just too many arguments, i shan't even begin...

Gray, I would like to know what you think.

Personally, I think this guy is a jackass, as I had stated in my previous post.
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
Because of this important yet rarely mentioned fact the sport spread all over the world and contributed to its MEGA HUGE popularity, particularly among third world countries. This also explains why Basketball is played all over the world and is so popular in poor urban areas of the US. Congratulations, fellows! - your favorite sport is the past-time of choice among the deprived, the neglected, and the feeble of the world. The truth hurts, i'm sure.
enouh quoted. and bolded. what a prick

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #10
    The point is.....Why does the author always have to be American?

    We Americans seem to lack humility in some ways, but why does it always have to come out in our image? Every time! I mean I can imagine the number of non-Americans who read this and make assumptions....

    This man commits Bushism


    Bedpan racing champion
    Jul 25, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
    What I find most amusing about this pointless football debate is the fact that the foreigner, most often a European, is always the aggressor. Hey, dipshit's - you like your football and we enjoy our version, so why the drama? If you honestly believe that this is the one issue where you have an advantage over the USA, than you're just kidding yourself. Now let's take a look at the facts. These misguided fools will always bring up the fact that their football is played all over the world, while the American version of football is almost exclusively played in the United States and ignored everywhere else.
    Do you reckon he did that on purpose or could he really be that ignorant?

    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
    The point is.....Why does the author always have to be American?

    We Americans seem to lack humility in some ways, but why does it always have to come out in our image? Every time! I mean I can imagine the number of non-Americans who read this and make assumptions....

    This man commits Bushism
    And Bushism is all the media bring to the rest of the world. The vast majority of Americans are normal people just like everyone else but no television station will ever film them and show them to us.

    It's a sick world we live in.


    Jul 15, 2002
    What an attitude! I will only comment on his attitude since I do not know anything about American Football except that everything that moves has to be brought down. Don't blame me since am not exposed to the sport.
    I live in a third world country where cricket is considered an expensive sport but my country reached the semi finals of the Cricket World Cup last year. So this shoots down the high maintenance theory. To give this as a reason as to why American Football has not spread worldwide is comical. Take a look at Japan - Rich country, plays baseball .... Do they play American Football? Not to my knowledge (someone can correct me if am wrong). Most European countries are rich countries but no they cannot afford American Football.
    In Kenya American Football is not popular simply it has no roots here. No one has tried to to promote it & there is no TV coverage whatsoever. 5 minutes on CNN simply will not do. Personally I enjoy the celebration more than the game.
    Football rules here.


    Senior Member
    Jul 30, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by DaJuve ] ++
    Take a look at Japan - Rich country, plays baseball .... Do they play American Football? Not to my knowledge (someone can correct me if am wrong

    THere are some American Football activity at college level but i think thats only it...

    actually its only here i hear any American Football activity out of US...


    Jul 15, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by aressandro10 ] ++
    THere are some American Football activity at college level but i think thats only it...

    actually its only here i hear any American Football activity out of US...
    Thanks for the correction but I believe my point cuts across clearly.


    Junior Member
    Jun 2, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++
    I dont understand american football
    Not much to understand really. A guy has to run with a ball to the oppisite end of the field without being crushed by a morbidly obesed guy nicknamed "Bubba"

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