F1 thread (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2001
What did you all think of the British Grand prix?
I thought it was the best race, so far this season. Plenty of overtaking and teh rain made it interesting.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #5
    ++ [ originally posted by Jurzinho ] ++
    Schumacher has more or less won the championship now, Ferrari could use team tactics again to make sure Barrichello comes second.
    i simply cannot imagine what would happen if he ends the season with anything less...


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #8
    ++ [ originally posted by Febrina ] ++
    F-1 2002 is getting boring, without Mika, Schumi looks very 'enjoying himself' in driving :flirt:
    after mika's dead:doh:,i'd like raikkonen and montoya:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:to challenge schumi for the crown.


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001
    No Schumi fans celebrating the early win? :shocked:

    Anyway, you all know that Vodafone is the sponsor of Ferrari, well they shot a new commercial and of course the F1 car appears in it, nothing new there. The interesting part is though, that the commercial was directed by Umberto Agnelli's 24-year old daughter .


    Jul 15, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Greg ] ++
    What did you all think of the British Grand prix?
    I thought it was the best race, so far this season. Plenty of overtaking and teh rain made it interesting.
    Have to agree that was the best GP so far this season :thumb:

    ++ [ originally posted by Nina ] ++
    No Schumi fans celebrating the early win?
    Here comes an :extatic: superhappy Schumi fan! Am still out there somewhere celebrating :D


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Greg ] ++
    What did you all think of the British Grand prix?
    I thought it was the best race, so far this season. Plenty of overtaking and teh rain made it interesting.
    due to my vacation i didn't get to see that or any of the other recent races, and they have all supposed to be good. i hope thats true, cause some races earlier in the season were devastatingly boring(imola for one). the german gp better be good:fero:

    as schumi has built a perfect ferrari around him, i think it will be while until that ends. schumi's contract ends in 04, so does todt, brawn and byrnes's also. i think and hope we will see the end of the schumi era then.

    the problem now i think is that the williams chassis isn't good enough, and the mercedes motor isn't good enough. that means that both mclaren and williams are unable to compete fully with ferrari, as ferrari doesn't have any weak sides with their car. i think williams should fire gavin fischer, as he isn't builiding a good enough car for them.

    and on a happy note, olivier panis qualified 7th today, it looks like it's gonna be more points for BAR!


    Jul 15, 2002
    We should see an exciting German GP today as Michael Schummacher tries to get his first win at home in a Ferrari. He clinched pole after a sterling drive that saw him force Montoya into some mistakes which cost the Colombian dearly having to relinquish the pole position for the first time in the last 6 races. Maybe this is not a bad thing since Montoya has not won any of the previous 5 races that he started on pole. Schummi hopes to break this jinx.


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    10 wins in a season and still 3 races to go, can anyone in the land stop him

    What an achievement by surely one of the all time grts in any sport


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Greg ] ++
    Has anything ever been dominated as much as shumi and F1 2002
    formula one is a sport that is usually dominated by one team, but one man doesn't usually dominate as much as schuey is in ferrari this year. team orders, better familiarity in the team, and the fact that he simply is a better racecar driver makes sure that schuey is the king of ferrari, barrichello will never beat him.

    this F1 season is boring IMO because jean todt won't allow the two ferraris to race each other. one year williams won 15 of 16 races, but it that didn't mean a boring season since you had two all-time greats racing each other. i would have liked to see villeneuve, raikkonen, montoya or fisichella next to schuey competing without the interference of jean todt, then i think we could have seen a some good fights.
    the way it is now schumi is just cruising in win after win


    Senior Member
    Oct 1, 2001
    I wish Irvine, Hakkinen, Alesi and Villeneuve were all back and racing in good cars just like they used to.

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