Will Someone Please, Think Of The Children!!!!!!! (8 Viewers)

Jul 19, 2003
I was at my house one tipical evening, when I saw on T.V. a tragic event that gave me shame. As much as I love Italy, I just had to hide my head. I couldn't bare to take pride for what happened.

At first it was in South America. I just couldn't bare to accept that this has spread to Italy. The riots and violence in the stadiums has just gone to far now. In Mexico they took actions to stop this non-sense. Futbol is actually more like an event for the family. Spectacular stunts performed by young athleets is priceless.

The fact that people take there Family to watch this unique spectacular show, known to us as futbol, and end up seriously injured or loose a loved one just to see an idol is just wrong. As the program in Mexico says, " show violencethe red card, no to violence".

This is like taking your girl/boyfriend to the movies, and instead of makeing out in the end, you end up haveing to save her/his life and sae yourslef. Isn't this wrong?

This is up to you people. If you agree with me, then welcome aboard. If you just don't care? I sugges you look for a heart and think twice. Futbol is more than just a sport, It's a family thing.( my thread was originally planned with more elaboration, sorry I didn't) As juventinis I suggest we act like humans and get out there and try to make peace in stadiums. I'm planing on doing so my self. Please help.

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Junior Member
May 22, 2003
i gotta read this thread many times so i can understand what u mean (sorry, my english is damn bad :wallbang: )

but, i agree with u. me,u,other ppl want to take their family to a game or any event to have fun, not to lose a loved one. all ppl in the world have to think about this.


Senior Member
Dec 22, 2002
you're right spider-man... All that violence!
When comes the day that war will stop? :undecide:
An i think it's better to go watching a game for pleasure, not to 'beat' the others! It's wrong to fight!! I HATE IT! :fero:


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
++ [ originally posted by spider-man ] ++
I was at my house one tipical evening, when I saw on T.V. a tragic event that gave me shame. As much as I love Italy, I just had to hide my head. I couldn't bare to take pride for what happened.

At first it was in South America. I just couldn't bare to accept that this has spread to Italy. The riots and violence in the stadiums has just gone to far now. In Mexico they took actions to stop this non-sense. Futbol is actually more like an event for the family. Spectacular stunts performed by young athleets is priceless.

The fact that people take there Family to watch this unique spectacular show, known to us as futbol, and end up seriously injured or loose a loved one just to see an idol is just wrong. As the program in Mexico says, " show violencethe red card, no to violence".

This is like taking your girl/boyfriend to the movies, and instead of makeing out in the end, you end up haveing to save her/his life and sae yourslef. Isn't this wrong?

This is up to you people. If you agree with me, then welcome aboard. If you just don't care? I sugges you look for a heart and think twice. Futbol is more than just a sport, It's a family thing.( my thread was originally planned with more elaboration, sorry I didn't) As juventinis I suggest we act like humans and get out there and try to make peace in stadiums. I'm planing on doing so my self. Please help.
u can't do anything dude.it's in human's blood to make trouble and shit hating eash others and kicking each others.it's out of control:frown:

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
well the only way to stop it is

1. education
2. suffering

education IMO is the most effective way to control/have an impact on anyone. and if used for good will result in reduced prejudices and such

suffering- sometimes people need to be humbled and cooperate. its worked well in other places and it just might work here.

threats of punishment will not solve the problem


Junior Member
May 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
well the only way to stop it is

1. education
2. suffering

education IMO is the most effective way to control/have an impact on anyone. and if used for good will result in reduced prejudices and such

suffering- sometimes people need to be humbled and cooperate. its worked well in other places and it just might work here.

threats of punishment will not solve the problem
i agree with u totally!
Jul 19, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #7
    see people, in the U.S., their r actually cops securing the stands. To get me right, it's like this; the cops r @ the bottom looking @ the crowd and never looking back @ the game. If they see something is cooking up, they lift there walkie talkies and escort the suspiciouse ones out.

    If it where like this world wide? @ least it will be reduced to 50% or less. At least it will reduce. It might be true that I miself can't do anything to stop this, but at least I can convince people to convince other people. I feel people in juventus should make like a club or something to prevent this from happening.

    If taking hippies and smoking a bowl aint enough, then damn it, we should try again.


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
    lol... I watched OB vs. Red Star (UEFA Cup) today. Those Red Star supporters were funny. I guess they were bored with the match or something, cuz they started fighting... with themself, kicking eachothers asses. :wallbang: Something went wrong in their 'hooligan-schooling'.

    Dj Juve

    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Kaliman ] ++
    lol... I watched OB vs. Red Star (UEFA Cup) today. Those Red Star supporters were funny. I guess they were bored with the match or something, cuz they started fighting... with themself, kicking eachothers asses. :wallbang: Something went wrong in their 'hooligan-schooling'.

    sheesh sheesh youngsters these days...even after such training..:down: they give a bad name to the school and even to the rest of the hooligans around the world :down:

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    lol deej :D

    spidey but even when we have cops and stewards and all that its simply not possible to control a couple hundred if not thousand people. we need riot police!

    while we're at it we might as well find a way to combat racism. although many racists do have a point.


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2001
    Vioolence seems to have a little renaissance now. It is not so little, it is spread all over the world. Sweden's firms are growing enourmously and so those the "boxes".
    The firms are not the only ones to be blamed for this. It is the supporter menatlity in general. People look up to them, people tend to talk more about them than football. Yesterday when I watched Djurgården-AIK I met a friend who was very disappointed with the game not because of the play but because "he didn't see any fights". :wallbang:

    At least there are no fights on the arena anymore.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    bad ikp. just like wars and killing and injury and violence in general. if all that were good self-mutilation would have been a fashion statement now wouldnt it?

    then again it has been at one time :wallbang:


    Senior Member
    Sep 30, 2003
    It's bloody sick! as someone said in a different thread, in the US you have footbal fans who are absolutely insane! but there isn't any violence! I don't know what measures are taken at these football games, but other sports should take notice and improve! It's really bad for the game!

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