The Neverending Story-Cassano to Juve (64 Viewers)

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Senior Member
May 6, 2005
Godfella Added.


Cassano Arrives: Yes (16)
ESS-Juventino, Juno, Roman, weiweiseu, Juve_kosova, Chxta, Sobatpadi, Holygr4le, DelpieroForlife, Swag, axlrose85, Huzi, IlRomanista, Baggio, tassard, Godfella

Cassano Arrives: No (8)
Sid, Espectro, Jeeks, Don Bes, John #10, djleili, mark77, nedved11


-'Tuz Fantasy Master-
Apr 19, 2003
Just read in some Roma's forum(on the official site) some posts by their fans....
damn they are sooooooooooooooo maaaadddddd at
but half of them blaming the mangment that couldn't give him 5 milions per year.and some blame the fans who started on him very early when he did wanted to stay.

now they are talking about who is better to get Chiellini+Mutu or Di Miechele from Udinese...
Some of them talking about a deal taking Mutu to Udinese and Di Michelle with Chiellini to Roma...Or maybe there is still a chance Miccoli will take Mutu's place in that deal....

Juventino 783,Monday?well....well......:devil::angel::cool:

Forza Juve!:cool:


Junior Member
Aug 31, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Roman ] ++
Just read in some Roma's forum(on the official site) some posts by their fans....
damn they are sooooooooooooooo maaaadddddd at
but half of them blaming the mangment that couldn't give him 5 milions per year.and some blame the fans who started on him very early when he did wanted to stay.

now they are talking about who is better to get Chiellini+Mutu or Di Miechele from Udinese...
Some of them talking about a deal taking Mutu to Udinese and Di Michelle with Chiellini to Roma...

Juventino 783,Monday?well....well......:devil::angel::cool:

Forza Juve!:cool:

monday or after juve-chievo, he said

Gino Genesio

Senior Member
Nov 14, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Juventino783 ] ++
Now i heared in a another juve forum, that now he is ours, they will say it after Juve-Chievo or on monday, the user said that he heared it from someone that is very informated
yea i have heared it too,even juventus fans from italy say that after the match we get a surprise ;)

uuhhhmmm people


In occasione di Juventus - Chievo vi abbiamo preparato una bella sorpresa per cominciare con entusiasmo la nuova stagione .

it means : A beautiful surprise

is it cassano?
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