[Serie A] Juventus - Milan (4 Viewers)


Junior Member
Aug 6, 2004
Guys and I think a lot off you are over reacting about Zlatan and some other players on the Juve team.Its not my thing to tell you but I think its wrong to bash a player after a bad game.Come on!Before the game everybody was like:Zlatan is the best,he has out played Nesta,Zlatan this,Zlatan that,Capelo this,Capelo that....But my point is that Zlatan is a good forward and he just had a bad game.I always hate and that happens in the Milan board when a player for exmple like Kaka has a bad game and suddenly everybody is against him.I just hate that!I respect if somebody says something against a player when the team is playing good.Untill now all I heard was prasing Zlatan and nobody critized him.And now after a bad game everybody is on his neck.Just stop with that!!!!Peace!

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Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
yeye Milans formation were shitty too. 3man midfield with Seedorf (offensive) and Pirlo (Offensive) and Gattuso (Defensive). the reason why they didnt get fvcked up like we would be if we played like that, is because they run and pass nicely among themselves, without loosing the ball 1000 times in the game. It doesnt matter how many defensive midielders u have, if u cant pass the ball and loose it every time..


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
Kaka22, i agree with you. Its not Zlatans fault. Its nedveds, Zebinas, Zlatans, Zalayetas, Camos, Blasis and del Pieros fault. And Capellos fault...

dont blame 1 player...everyone but Buffon, canna, thuram and Emerson all played WAY under their standards..


Junior Member
Nov 29, 2003
++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
yeye Milans formation were shitty too. 3man midfield with Seedorf (offensive) and Pirlo (Offensive) and Gattuso (Defensive). the reason why they didnt get fvcked up like we would be if we played like that, is because they run and pass nicely among themselves, without loosing the ball 1000 times in the game. It doesnt matter how many defensive midielders u have, if u cant pass the ball and loose it every time..
wrong. seedorf is just as good defensively as he is offensively. he showed that tonight.

pirlo can also tackle. something which olivera cannot do.

nevermind how you expect them to displace camoranesi and blasi, or even tachinardi.


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
Shenanigans, I hate everything about u, why do I love you? I hate everything about u, why do I love you? - Three Days Grace.

(maybe cuz ur a Juve-fan, thats probably why.)

I think Olivera can tackle too. At least he can pass good and not loose the ball. Camo shouldve not have played the last 15 minutes, and therefore let Kapo come in. CUz we play at home and in fron of a full delle alpi. I can understand what you say, but if we continue play like this, we need something new in midfield. Defensive or not.

And Im just thinking loud when I write my formations. If you dont like them, then ignore them ;)
May 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
Kaka22, i agree with you. Its not Zlatans fault. Its nedveds, Zebinas, Zlatans, Zalayetas, Camos, Blasis and del Pieros fault. And Capellos fault...

dont blame 1 player...everyone but Buffon, canna, thuram and Emerson all played WAY under their standards..
AND WHY THE **** is it Capellos fault?


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
Maybe because he didnt get the players to play better in the 2nd half. And Maybe cuz he didnt give Kapo a chance to play in the end of the match. Camo was slightly injured and we shouldve get some fresh legs... thats why. Look, I love Capello but he is a human being and makes mistakes, Just like Lippi did when he didnt dare to get some more offensive players on the field.


Junior Member
Oct 10, 2004
are we blaiming eachother again? damnit stop it alright we are all juventini and Capello just has a more defensive tactic plan than our hero Lippi.. we have to accept that.. and maybe with this 1-0 football of Juve we will win the final for once.. it will be alright and we'le sure beat real and win the scudetto:D:cool:


Junior Member
Aug 6, 2004
++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
Kaka22, i agree with you. Its not Zlatans fault. Its nedveds, Zebinas, Zlatans, Zalayetas, Camos, Blasis and del Pieros fault. And Capellos fault...

dont blame 1 player...everyone but Buffon, canna, thuram and Emerson all played WAY under their standards..
hey man how about changeing your sig now;)Just kidding mate:)


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
I don´t think, that it was capellos fault, the juve player were not ready to run, the just stand on there places, they could not pass the ball.
this match was a shame for italian football, I am sorry but I have to say that, the german comentar, said that the first of the serie A gets there first corner on 87 minute.. It was the badest performence of juve this season, I just hope, it was because of tirdness.. the holiday are wellcomed...


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
i'm off. dont fight guys, and Shenanigans....after the way u acted, i'm not supporting u anymore :p

be thankful for a point, coz Milan cud've raped us tonite. adios...


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
the thing that really makes me nervous is...Juves form is going DOWN and Reals form is going UP. Maybe when we finally meet in february, it will be an even game, and not a 100% Juve victory :) this is what worries me. They (Real) will probably buy someone new and they get a better defence. And maybe a better coach :(


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
well well, thank God that we didnt loose now and we all can rest ;) christmas is coming and cheer up guys. (me included). Who knows? maybe we get back on form. Time will tell, so stay alive!

Forza Juventus!
Mar 14, 2004
No creativity,bad passes....horrible game; that are the words I would describe our game today. I think that Milanistas laughed at our attack....completly un-dangerous. Whit that kind of game we're showing we will fail in all competitions for shure. The truth is that Milan dominated,crushed us in gameplay,we defended whole fckin match.....It was too embarrasing for me. It was sad to watch that. I don't know how to solve that,Im not shure that Capello knows how to solve that....all I can say that with this players we simply can't do better. Camo,DP and Blasi must go out and good replacements must arrive or......im afraid of that. :(


Junior Member
Oct 10, 2004
++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
the thing that really makes me nervous is...Juves form is going DOWN and Reals form is going UP. Maybe when we finally meet in february, it will be an even game, and not a 100% Juve victory :) this is what worries me. They (Real) will probably buy someone new and they get a better defence. And maybe a better coach :(
If you worrie about the transfer policy of an other team (Real) than you are not convinced of what Juve can do.. remember the season when Juve lost the final against Milan? that season we were favorites all the time but we still lost and Milan with the 1-0 football won the cup.. maybe we need to play like this to win the cup..don't worry my friend:cool:


Junior Member
Oct 10, 2004
++ [ originally posted by barkuss ] ++
No creativity,bad passes....horrible game; that are the words I would describe our game today. I think that Milanistas laughed at our attack....completly un-dangerous. Whit that kind of game we're showing we will fail in all competitions for shure. The truth is that Milan dominated,crushed us in gameplay,we defended whole fckin match.....It was too embarrasing for me. It was sad to watch that. I don't know how to solve that,Im not shure that Capello knows how to solve that....all I can say that with this players we simply can't do better. Camo,DP and Blasi must go out and good replacements must arrive or......im afraid of that. :(

well well first time in history that Milan had a chance against Juve whahaha
May 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
Maybe because he didnt get the players to play better in the 2nd half. And Maybe cuz he didnt give Kapo a chance to play in the end of the match. Camo was slightly injured and we shouldve get some fresh legs... thats why. Look, I love Capello but he is a human being and makes mistakes, Just like Lippi did when he didnt dare to get some more offensive players on the field.

Well i think capello dident want to give kapo the chance because it was a BIG game, and kapo hasent really playd, so maybe thats why...
and i blame Milan ! they just playd too good comper'd to us...!

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