sell del piero (4 Viewers)



Junior Member
Aug 22, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #21
    ++ [ originally posted by Karlberg ] ++

    Not what I meant... :D :LOL:

    Not in his league... as in not as good as him.


    Serie A players ratings
    Gazzetta made all the all season average of the ratings of players in serie A. Let's see who came out to have the best votes

    Thise is the average of the ratings given by gazzetta journalists (top 10):

    Player team role vote

    Mutu Parma ATT 6.61

    Nedved Juventus CEN 6.59

    Maldini Milan DIF 6.53

    Totti Roma CEN 6.52

    Appiah Brescia CEN 6.48

    De Sanctis Udinese POR 6.45

    Di Natale Empoli ATT 6.44

    Stankovic Lazio CEN 6.43

    Zanetti Inter CEN 6.43


    Buy on


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by hussain1982 ] ++

    Serie A players ratings
    Gazzetta made all the all season average of the ratings of players in serie A. Let's see who came out to have the best votes

    Thise is the average of the ratings given by gazzetta journalists (top 10):

    Player team role vote

    Mutu Parma ATT 6.61

    Nedved Juventus CEN 6.59

    Maldini Milan DIF 6.53

    Totti Roma CEN 6.52

    Appiah Brescia CEN 6.48

    De Sanctis Udinese POR 6.45

    Di Natale Empoli ATT 6.44

    Stankovic Lazio CEN 6.43

    Zanetti Inter CEN 6.43

    And that's why you wanna sell one of Juves all time best players... just cuz some freakin' newspaper gave Mutu a better rating. Man! You seriously need some kind of threatment.

    Let's just drop... cuz you aint gonna convince me to sell Del Piero.


    Junior Member
    Aug 22, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #23
    ++ [ originally posted by Karlberg ] ++

    And that's why you wanna sell one of Juves all time best players... just cuz some freakin' newspaper gave Mutu a better rating. Man! You seriously need some kind of threatment.

    Let's just drop... cuz you aint gonna convince me to sell Del Piero.

    i dont wont to sell dp cuz newspaper gave Mutu a better rating.
    i wont to sell dp cuz he dont gave juve what juve deserve we wont mor from him(Mutu rating doest come from nothing 18 gool and to many supply )

    ! You seriously need some kind of threatment.

    we all juve fan so plz dont let us using bad word


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    jajajaja!! this is very funny, seeing you two discussing.

    Well i think that sell delpiero is a mistake. He have more to offer to juve, at least for 2 years more. After that , we will see.


    Junior Member
    May 17, 2003
    comon gyz... juve is delpiero....look at this season.. he hasn't been at his best and he missed some matches.. and he managed to score 16 goals... no doubt tha juve is lost without nedved but that doenst mean that we dont need del piero, nedved is a playmaker.. delpiero is a goal scorer... THAT'S DIFFERENT!! no man in hid right mind would sell offence


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by hussain1982 ] ++
    Why we don’t sell del piero???? We wait too mach for him to see him back to the old del piero . He will never be back I say that juve must sell him and we can get mutu or Ronaldinho that tow will be a grate player in future .del piero paly one good match(real Madrid) and too many bad match (Milan final, Barcelona the tow leg, Madrid first leg and so on)so we need a player batter and Alex get older juve can sell him and get $$$$$$$$ and buy good player .
    Dot for get juve sell baggio:down::down: why not del piero
    News flash....Del Piero has returned....

    and like any other player in the world, he will have some bad spells in the season.
    Del Piero did more great stuff this season than bad stuff. even when he was bad, he was better than any other alternative on the sub bench.

    even in DP's glory days, he had bad days...

    Hell, Sheva has had a worse season than DP, but nobody is saying anything about selling him because Milan won the CL and Coppa.

    you dont sell players when they have short bad spells because it's normal...

    if you were a manager of a team and you sold every player who had a bad spell, then you would have 0 players left by the end of the season and you'd spend 95% of your time in the calcio mercato.

    please, be realistic.

    I've seen brilliant goals from DP this year and above all , he has grown so much and is much stronger mentally...

    it's comments like these that drive DP crazy, because your comparing him with his top form all the time. (which no human can keep all the time). his normal form is better than most strikers anyway, so i'm happy that he's with jvue and with his performance this year.

    PS: even if he is as bad as you claim he is, please dont underestimate his place in the juve fans's hearts.


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    OK enough of this , at last i have got the courage to say it. If it wasn't for Del Piero Injury Nedved wouldn't have stared or shone this season Nedved didn't shine untill Del Piero was Injured. Believe me If he wasn't injured in mid season you would have been saying something else by now.Concerning that Mutu, Injured Del piero scored More than him this season.:

    5 CL Goals
    16 Serie A Goals---------> 4 being decisive for us to win the league.
    2 Italian super cup Goals ---------> for me he is the one who won the cup not juve.
    4 Goals with Azzurri in each match he played after The world cup.

    This gives him a total of 27 Goals this season and you say that he is not good enough for Juve.You must be out of your Fvckin Mind


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by DarkSoul ] ++
    OK enough of this , at last i have got the courage to say it. If it wasn't for Del Piero Injury Nedved wouldn't have stared or shone this season Nedved didn't shine untill Del Piero was Injured. Believe me If he wasn't injured in mid season you would have been saying something else by now.Concerning that Mutu, Injured Del piero scored More than him this season.:

    5 CL Goals
    16 Serie A Goals---------> 4 being decisive for us to win the league.
    2 Italian super cup Goals ---------> for me he is the one who won the cup not juve.
    4 Goals with Azzurri in each match he played after The world cup.

    This gives him a total of 27 Goals this season and you say that he is not good enough for Juve.You must be out of your Fvckin Mind
    hey that Mutu thing is true!!

    i had not thought about that´-!:eek:

    delpiero is special


    Junior Member
    Mar 7, 2003

    well it's not only about winning though. It's also about Juve's characteristic. Of course neddy is our best this season and Of course he's influential as an individiual, but not as Alex.Over the past years the whole team personality switchs depending on his presence on the pitch. hell, he's like Real Madrid's Raul or Newcastle's Shearer or Celtic's Larrson and the list goes on and on........players like these u should build the team around them............peace out:cool:


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    Yeah, i remember when he get injured,,,just days before the manchester games.........

    In the both games,,,,the espn commentarist were saying "This juve is missing his captain so much"

    and that was true,,,nedved was all alone fighting against united in old trafford.

    In those 2 games, we really needed him


    Senior Member
    Oct 9, 2002
    when i read the headline for this thread , i didn't want to read any post in it but just for curiosity i read all of them & now i'm totally sorry that i did !!


    New Member
    May 29, 2003
    Guys I think you are been too harsh with Hussain, I see his point and I agree with him. Del Piero is not essential anymore. Juventus did fine without him. That should tell us to get somebody that at least can dribble past a defender.Mutu would be a perfect buy. Now I respect that all you guys see DP as a Juve icon, but hey sometimes you gotta move on. This scudetto was a clear prove that DP is not as essential as he was in the past (98?) Nedved is a player that is essential to Juve's game and the final was clearly a proof of it.

    But hey I know I wont change your mind no matter how many stats or even true I could bring you. I agree with Hussain I like DP ,but I love Juve.

    True champions are the one that step up in bigger games...just remember that.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Spartacuz ] ++
    That should tell us to get somebody that at least can dribble past a defender.
    True champions are the one that step up in bigger games...just remember that.
    I agree and i agree, but i have faith, blind faith that he will be back to his early season form.


    Junior Member
    Aug 22, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #37
    ++ [ originally posted by Spartacuz ] ++
    Guys I think you are been too harsh with Hussain, I see his point and I agree with him. Del Piero is not essential anymore. Juventus did fine without him. That should tell us to get somebody that at least can dribble past a defender.Mutu would be a perfect buy. Now I respect that all you guys see DP as a Juve icon, but hey sometimes you gotta move on. This scudetto was a clear prove that DP is not as essential as he was in the past (98?) Nedved is a player that is essential to Juve's game and the final was clearly a proof of it.

    But hey I know I wont change your mind no matter how many stats or even true I could bring you. I agree with Hussain I like DP ,but I love Juve.

    True champions are the one that step up in bigger games...just remember that.

    Thank you

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