Official: Glenn aka Zizou thinks that Vieri will be a Juventino again (12 Viewers)

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-'Tuz Fantasy Master-
Apr 19, 2003
Tha latest news from say that Juve will get Vieri and Canna in exchange of DV,Iuliano and some money.

Those reports looks very serious and probably likely.

Vieri-Cannavaro, la Juve raddoppia
05 06 2004

Non solo Bobo Vieri: in queste ore la Juventus starebbe infatti sondando il terreno per acquistare dall’Inter anche Fabio Cannavaro. In cambio dei due nerazzurri, i bianconeri sono pronti a offrire soldi più Di Vaio e Iuliano.

L’allargamento della trattativa tra Juve e Inter, inizialmente basata sullo scambio Vieri-Di Vaio, aveva vissuto una prima fase nei giorni scorsi, quando da Torino erano arrivate richieste in Via Durini anche per Marco Materazzi, per il quale era stato offerto Mark Iuliano.

Tuttavia l’Inter avrebbe rifiutato le avanches di Moggi e Giraudo, ritenendo Materazzi come il fulcro della difesa nerazzurra anche per il prossimo anno. Proprio in quei colloqui, Moggi aveva però accennato anche a Fabio Cannavaro e su questa ipotesi, la società meneghina era parsa più disponibile.

Perché? Perché lo staff tecnico nerazzurro considera l’ex-parmense più sostituibile di Materazzi: Cannavaro ha infatti tre anni in più di Cordoba (il napoletano è del 1973, il colombiano del 1976), suo naturale sostituto, ed è reduce da un’annata tribolata a livello fisico.

Così Moggi ha formulato la sua proposta: avere Vieri e Cannavaro dall’Inter in cambio di Iuliano, Di Vaio e soldi.

E mentre l’Inter ci pensa, Moggi non sta perdendo tempo: ieri il dirigente juventino era a Coverciano e, guardacaso, ha poi cenato allo stesso tavolo di Cannavaro, insieme a Trapattoni e un dirigente federale azzurro.

A fine cena, poi, Moggi è stato visto uscire dal centro tecnico degli Azzurri in taxi: indovinate con chi? Con Fabio Cannavaro...


Vieri-Cannavaro, the Juve double
05 06 2004

Not only Bobo Vieri: in these hours the Juventus in fact would be surveying the ground to gain dall’Inter also Fabio Cannavaro. In exchange for two nerazzurri, the bianconeri are ready to offer money plus Di Vaio and Iuliano.

L’widening of the negotiation between Juve and Inter, at first based on the exchange Vieri-Di Vaio, a first phase in the past days had lived, when from Turin requests had arrived in Via Durini also for Mark Materazzi, for which dedicated Mark had been Iuliano.

Nevertheless l’Inter would have refused the avanches of Moggi and Giraudo, retaining Materazzi like the central point of the nerazzurra defended also for the next year. Actual in those talks, Moggi had however indicated also to Fabio Cannavaro and on this hypothesis, the Milanese society was more available parsa.

Why? Why the technical staff nerazzurro considers l’former-more replaceable parmense of Materazzi: Cannavaro has in fact three years in more of Cordoba (the neapolitan one is of 1973, the colombian one of 1976), its natural substitute, and is survivor from a’year afflicted to physical level.

So Moggi expressed its proposal: to have Vieri and Cannavaro dall’Inter in exchange for Iuliano,Di Vaio and money.

And while l’Inter hung us, Moggi is not losing time: yesterday the managerial juventino was at Coverciano and, guardacaso, has then dined to the same table of Cannavaro, together to Trapattoni and a federal manager blue.

At the end of supper, then, Moggi was seen to go out from the technical center of the Blue in taxi: guessed with who? With Fabio Cannavaro..

Canna is old,but i guess still pretty solid and great.:)

Buy on

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
stu dont blame glenn. people make mistakes alright? and even when moggi says its confirmed and its final it often isnt.

cant blame glenn for being nice enough to let us know now can we?

forza glenn


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Arif ] ++
believe me emerson is great and has great atitude..he keeps his word...we refused biggest club in the world for juve...
Who said Real is the biggest club in the world?

Emerson refused Real Madrid for the biggest club in the world- Juventus FC
Mar 14, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Pendir_E65 ] ++

Who said Real is the biggest club in the world?

Emerson refused Real Madrid for the biggest club in the world- Juventus FC

I said that Real is the biggest club now and in history of football.

There are many factors why Emerson doesnt want to join them.....but Im shure that part of him still wants to go to Real.


★ ★ ★
May 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by barkuss ] ++

Why? Because they have money and we dont?
well do u know where they got the money from, the sold they traning thing, to the state and got much more money then they should get... plus they get every year (dont know how much BUT MUCH) money from the state becuase they are the king club, MADRID u know, MY ASS!! f***** cheaters...!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Then again Kosova, would you be complaining if we had that much money, regardless of its sources? I think not


★ ★ ★
May 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
Then again Kosova, would you be complaining if we had that much money, regardless of its sources? I think not
u are right, i would probebly not be complaining, BUT i still am against thoes kind of things, like every1 else....

but forget real.. Forza Juve :thumb:


Senior Member
Jul 27, 2002
++ [ originally posted by barkuss ] ++

Why? Because they have money and we dont?
My Opinion! :)

no but perhaps that they sign a deal and say we will pay X million euros and by end of the day they pay some of it and then try to use cunning
methods to not paying the rest!

They have several millions left to play inter for Ronaldo. Money that has
collected great interest!

The other day Inter got right for the I don't know how many times in order to get €8m more b/c Solari refused to join Inter who was a part of the Ronaldo deal.

And now they go and buy Samuel for great amount... let's see how long
it takes before Roma fans asks for the money!
Aug 26, 2003
i would also chose Juve for Real!!! *g*!!!

I don't like Real Madrid and i like Emerson and that he wants juve instead of real!!!

hmm.. the deal Vieri-Canna vor Iuliano and Di Vaio would be great!!!! but as someone said, i don't think they will accept that!!

but who knows???
Mar 14, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Juventino ] ++

My Opinion! :)

no but perhaps that they sign a deal and say we will pay X million euros and by end of the day they pay some of it and then try to use cunning
methods to not paying the rest!

They have several millions left to play inter for Ronaldo. Money that has
collected great interest!

The other day Inter got right for the I don't know how many times in order to get €8m more b/c Solari refused to join Inter who was a part of the Ronaldo deal.

And now they go and buy Samuel for great amount... let's see how long
it takes before Roma fans asks for the money!
Thats was for Ronaldo onley.....Inter fcked themselves by bringing PE clausules in the deal. We got payd for Zidane,Barca was payed for Figo and ManU was payed for Backscum.....
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