Help! DP screencaps in MTVEurope 2000 Awards! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
Na I dont have em. But I still have the show taped and watched Ales bit recently. He came out crippled but looking dapper, and then he spoke a few words in English:D Him and Ronaldo got the loudest ovations that night.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Unfortunately I can't help you.

But I do have one very important question, one that could possibly shape our internet relationship for as long as we are both on this forum.

OK, here goes.

*exhales deeply*

Roth or Hagar?


New Member
Aug 27, 2003

Donatella - Hello, everybody!
Alessandro - Hi!
Donatella - It is wonderful that MTV Awards have come here to Milan, capital of fashion, capital of football, and tonight, capital of music. It is also very exciting that we are presenting an award together, isn't it?
Alessandro - For sure!
Donatella - Is that exciting as scoring a goal for Italy?
Alessandro - For sure!
Donatella - Really?
Alessandro - No...
Donatella - No... I thought so... And the nominees for best group are:

(Spice Girls, Beastie Boys, Backstreet Boys, Garbage, All Saints)
Donatella - And now, the winner is...
Alessandro, Donatella - Spice Girls!



Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Enna ] ++

Donatella - Hello, everybody!
Alessandro - Hi!
Donatella - It is wonderful that MTV Awards have come here to Milan, capital of fashion, capital of football, and tonight, capital of music. It is also very exciting that we are presenting an award together, isn't it?
Alessandro - For sure!
Donatella - Is that exciting as scoring a goal for Italy?
Alessandro - For sure!
Donatella - Really?
Alessandro - No...
Donatella - No... I thought so... And the nominees for best group are:

(Spice Girls, Beastie Boys, Backstreet Boys, Garbage, All Saints)
Donatella - And now, the winner is...
Alessandro, Donatella - Spice Girls!

Unforgettable performance, wasn't it? :D


New Member
May 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #14
    You guys are the sweetest! Even though there are no caps of him presenting the award, that transcript, and the press photo is more than enough! Yay! Thanks so much!!


    New Member
    May 25, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #15
    ++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++

    Roth or Hagar?
    On my take: Hagar.

    I dunno what Ryan'll say, he might agree with me.

    Dave's just so... unreachable, and not in a good way. I'd be very displeased if Edward chooses to spend his time to recruit someone that has barely minimum posibillity to be in THE band once more, while he could get Sammy

    But alas, we don't care much, really. As long as VH keeps running, either Dave or Sammy... or both *sigh* will do just fine.
    Aug 27, 2003
    looool @ juve 5150 yeaaah i was wondering it was in stockholm in that year..looool..
    whoops enna about the geocitis thingy..looool....
    anywyas thanks for the link...
    u know i rember it now enna im like why the hell is this guy goin for sure! for sure!! dosent he know anything elese!!!
    did ya guys notice hes in crouches..


    New Member
    Aug 27, 2003
    :LOL: It's okay 5150, I didn't even know it was him 'til my friend mentioned it. I just kept thinking, 'who's this strange guy that can't speak English?'

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